your lack of supplies."
"You are?"
"I could use more flour and sugar. I'm almost out."
"I'm going into town."
"They won't let you come back."
He put his hand on top of hers. "Listen to me. It isn't good for you to get upset. I don't plan to stroll into the general store in the middle of the day. Give me a little more credit than that."
"Then how…"
He grinned. "I'm going in during the night."
She looked shocked by the possibility. "You're going to rob Mr. Cooper?"
"We need supplies, and I want to pick up some clothes. I only packed one extra shirt and pair of pants to come here. I'll leave money on the counter."
"Oh, you can't do that. Mr. Cooper will know someone came into the store and he'll tell Boyle. He tells him everything. It's too risky, Douglas. One of them might guess you're helping me. Wait, I know what you can do. Hide the money under the papers on Cooper's desk behind the counter. He'll eventually find it, and it doesn't matter if he ever figures out how it got there. We'll know we didn't steal, and our consciences will be clear. Yes, that's what you should do."
"Why does Cooper tell Boyle everything?"
"He just does," she replied. "So do some of the others. Only a handful of men stood up to Boyle. Dr. Simpson was one of them. He even lied to him for my sake and told him the baby wouldn't be born until the end of September. He was trying to give me more time to figure out a way to get away from Boyle."
"Good. We'll let Boyle keep on believing the lie for as long as possible. Did the doctor ever come out here?"
"Did he tell you where the lookouts were?"
"I remember he told me they were lazy because they stay on the hill just outside town, blocking the road leading here. They take turns going back and forth into Sweet Creek."
"I saw those lookouts on my way here. I was wondering if he mentioned any others posted near you. It was dark when I came down the last hills, and I might have missed them."
"I don't think there are any more. There really isn't any reason for them to watch the cabin. They know I can't go into the wilderness. If I tried to go west, it would take over a week to get to the next town. In my condition, I couldn't risk it. No, the only safe way out is through Sweet Creek."
"If they aren't watching the cabin, that's good news."
"The longer I can go without being spotted, the better, and if they aren't watching the field, I can go back and forth from the barn and exercise the horses. I'll make certain Boyle's men haven't changed their lookout points first."
"When will you leave for the general store?"
"As soon as it's dark. Are you going to be okay by yourself?"
"Yes, but it's dangerous for you to go riding in the dark."
"It won't be any problem," he exaggerated. He tried to pull his hand away from hers, but she held on tight. "Tell me everything you know about the layout of the town." Her memory for details was impressive. She described each building in detail. She even knew exactly where Cooper had his inventory placed inside his store.
"Now tell me where Dr. Simpson's house is located. I want to find out how many men are watching him."
She did as he asked, and then said, "You won't be able to bring much back with you unless you take the buggy, and it's too dangerous. Boyle's men will hear the squeaky wheels."
"I can fix that. You stop worrying, and don't expect me back before morning. I'll leave the rifle and extra bullets next to your bed… just in case Boyle decides to come by. God, Isabel, I hate to leave you, but I…"
She threw her arms around his neck. "Please come back. I know you didn't ask for any of this. I'm so sorry I got you involved, but, Douglas, I really hope you'll come back anyway." He put his arms around her and held her tight. "Calm down. I'm coming back. I promise." She couldn't seem to let go. She hated herself for being so dependent on him. She had never depended
on her husband, but then she had understood his