One Grave at a Time

One Grave at a Time Read Online Free PDF

Book: One Grave at a Time Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jeaniene Frost
sudden urge to go ghostbusting, which I didn’t.
    She folded her hands in her lap, fingers twisting together. “Back in 1489, at the age of twenty-seven, I was burned at the stake for witchcraft,” she began softly.
    Even though that was over half a millennium ago, I winced. I’d been burned before, and both times had been excruciating experiences.
    “I’m sorry,” I said.
    Elisabeth nodded, not looking away from her hands. “I wasn’t a witch,” she added, as if that made any difference in the horrific nature of her execution. “I was a midwife who challenged the local magistrate when he accused a mother of deliberately strangling her baby with its own cord. The fool knew nothing of the complications that birthing often wrought, and I told him so. Soon after, he sent for Heinrich Kramer.”
    “Who was he?”
    “A murdering bastard,” Bones replied before Elisabeth had a chance. “He wrote the Malleus Maleficarum , the Hammer of Witches, a book responsible for several centuries’ worth of witch hunts. According to Kramer, anyone in a skirt was like as not to be a witch.”
    So Elisabeth had been killed by a homicidal zealot with a serious case of misogyny. I knew what it was like to be singled out by a zealot, and that made me even more sympathetic toward her.
    “I’m sorry,” I said with even more sincerity this time. “However Kramer bought it back then, I hope it was long and painful.”
    “It wasn’t,” she said, bitterness edging her tone. “He fell off his horse and broke his neck instantly instead of being stomped on and left to suffer.”
    “Not fair,” I agreed, while thinking that at least Kramer would’ve gotten a taste of his own fiery medicine in hell.
    Bones gave Elisabeth a long, speculative look. “Know quite a few details about his death, do you?”
    Elisabeth met his gaze. In her half-hazy state, her eyes were medium blue, making me wonder if they had been as dark an indigo as Tate’s when she was alive.
    “Yes, I’m the one who spooked his horse,” she replied defensively, oblivious to the pun in her words. “I wanted revenge for what he’d done to me, and to put a stop to the deaths of more women in the town he was traveling to.”
    “Good for you,” I said at once. If she’d expected judgment, she hadn’t heard much about me. Or Bones. “Wish I could shake your hand.”
    “Too right,” Bones said, raising his whiskey in salute.
    Elisabeth stared at both of us for several seconds. Then, very slowly, she rose and floated over, holding out her hand to me.
    I shifted self-consciously. Guess she didn’t know what a metaphorical statement was. Then I stuck out my hand, reminding myself that this was no different than all the other times I’d let ghosts pass through my flesh in greeting. But when her hand closed over mine, that usual tingling feeling followed by my fingers poking right through her didn’t happen. Unbelievably, an icy-cold grip squeezed back with the same firmness and consistency as my own flesh.
    “Son of a bitch !” I exclaimed, jumping to my feet. My cat hissed and leapt to the side of the couch, miffed at being unseated.
    Elisabeth suddenly stood before me in vibrant color, like she’d been switched from being broadcast in a fuzzy channel to high def. Her hair, which I’d thought had been a nondescript brown, shone with rich auburn highlights, and her eyes were so deep blue that they looked like the ocean at midnight. Her cheeks even had a pink flush to them, highlighting a complexion that could only be described as peaches and cream.
    “Bloody hell,” Bones muttered, standing also. His hand shot out to grasp Elisabeth’s arm, his expression mirroring my shock as his fingers closed around solid flesh instead of passing through vaporous energy.
    “I told you some of my kind were stronger than others,” Fabian murmured from behind Elisabeth.
    You weren’t kidding , were you? I thought numbly, unable to stop myself from squeezing Elisabeth’s
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