Once Upon a Masquerade

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Book: Once Upon a Masquerade Read Online Free PDF
Author: Tamara Hughes
amusement the game he played. He was more sober than anyone suspected.
    Mr. Westerly tapped Hamlet on the shoulder. “ Excuse moi. May I?”
    The impish gleam returned to Hamlet’s eyes. Striking a theatrical pose, he exclaimed, “‘That it should come to this!’”
    “‘Give thy thoughts no tongue,’” Mr. Westerly jibed back.
    With a look of outrage, Hamlet scolded, “‘Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell! I took thee for thy better.’” Hamlet met Rebecca’s amused gaze before placing a kiss on the back of her hand. He retreated with his skull, exclaiming and then fading in dramatic fashion, “‘You cannot, sir, take from me anything that I will more willingly part withal; except my life, except my life, except my life.’”
    In a final sigh, he added, “‘The rest is silence,’” and lowered his head in defeat.
    “Sorry to have left you alone for so long,” Mr. Westerly said. “Had I realized you’d been cornered by Spencer Henley, I would have come to your rescue much sooner.”
    She curtsied to begin the next dance. “Don’t concern yourself. Mr. Henley was a gentleman, albeit a somewhat loud and eccentric gentleman.”
    Mr. Westerly bowed, before laying a hand at her waist to begin. “So tell me, have you been in New York long?”
    Inwardly, she cringed. She hated lying. “No, not more than a week.”
    “Then you haven’t seen all of our charming city yet?”
    She shook her head. “Not yet.”
    “Allow me to escort you on a tour. We could go for a ride in the park, tomorrow afternoon.” Mr. Westerly swept her around the dance floor amid the other whirling dancers.
    “That would be lovely.” He might have an interest in her after all. This plan of hers might actually work.
    “Wonderful. Where shall I send my carriage?”
    She nearly flinched at the question, uncertain how to respond. “I must run some errands tomorrow. May I meet you?”
    “Let’s meet midday in Central Park, by the bronze figure.”
    “Splendid,” she said, calming once more.
    Over Mr. Westerly’s shoulder, she peeked in the direction she’d last spied Mr. Black. Her spirits fell when she didn’t see him there. She searched the crowded ballroom and spotted him talking with Hamlet. What an odd coincidence. She inhaled a sharp breath. Would he tell Mr. Black of her interest in him? Her next step faltered. “I’m so sorry,” she said to Mr. Westerly when he surveyed her with a questioning glance.
    Peering at Mr. Black again, she hoped to find their discussion had come to an end. Instead, their eyes locked, his curious and bold. Her legs wobbled beneath her, and in a panic she turned away, stumbling on Mr. Westerly’s foot.
    “Are you well?” Mr. Westerly asked.
    “I’m not certain.” She took another quick look from the corner of her eye. Mr. Black still watched her. “I feel a bit faint. If I could just take in some fresh air.”
    “Come with me.” Mr. Westerly led her through the crush of costumed guests. By the time they reached a secluded balcony, she felt sure they’d escaped. Mr. Westerly lifted two goblets from a passing servant’s tray.
    Once outside, she massaged her forehead, the crisp air welcome. Her limbs trembled as she leaned against the railing.
    “Here, drink this.” He handed her a glass of champagne.
    She drank freely all of the sweet bubbling contents. “I’m feeling much better now,” she assured him after a few calming breaths.
    “Would another cool refreshment be in order?”
    “That would be wonderful, thank you.”
    Once Mr. Westerly set out on his errand, she groaned and dropped her face into her hands.
    What if Mr. Black recognized her? She was dressed as a maid for God’s sake. Should she leave, or could she avoid him? In such a large house avoidance shouldn’t prove difficult.
    Then again, perhaps he simply wondered what foolish woman would agree to dance with a drunken Hamlet. He was standing a fair distance away. Yes, that was it. She’d panicked
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