On Her Own

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Book: On Her Own Read Online Free PDF
Author: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Christian
shrugged. “Don’t see why not. When I called from Seymour to let him know I’d gotten here okay, he said he’d just hired onanother part-time man. Unless things get busier than they have been, I’m sure Andy won’t mind if I stay here awhile and help in David’s shop.”
    “It’s my shop now,” Barbara corrected.
    “Right. I understand, and I—”
    The sound of a baby’s cry halted Paul’s words.
    Barbara jumped up. “That’s little David. I should tend to him.”
    Paul stood. “I can come back some other time.”
    She waved her hand. “That’s okay. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable while I tend to the boppli? When I’m done, we can talk more about the possibility of you working in the harness shop.”
    He sat down again. “Sounds fine to me.”
    Barbara started for the stairs but turned back. “If you’d like some coffee, go on out to the kitchen and help yourself to a cup. I think there’s still some in the pot on the stove.” She hurried from the room before he had a chance to respond, glad for the opportunity to think more about Paul’s offer.

    Paul remained in his chair for several minutes after Barbara went upstairs. The baby’s crying had stopped, so he figured she must have things under control.
    He couldn’t believe how much Barbara had changed since he’d seen her four years ago. She used to be kind of plump, but now she was much thinner—almost too thin to his way of thinking. Had the years of working in the harness shop takentheir toll, or had she lost the weight after David died? He’d heard of people nearly starving themselves to death when a mate had been taken, but Barbara was a new mother. It seemed to Paul that she should weigh a lot more than she did.
    One more reason I need to stick around for a while and help out. She probably doesn’t eat right because she worries about the harness shop and how she’ll provide for her family .
    Paul stood in front of the unlit fireplace. It was late spring, getting too warm for any fires.
    Barbara’s a fine-looking woman. Funny I never paid much attention to her before . He shook his head, trying to get himself thinking straight again. Of course he wouldn’t have eyed Barbara before. She had been married to David Zook, and it wouldn’t have been right for him to pay special attention to her. David and Barbara had already been courting by the time Paul and his family moved to Webster County. Even if Paul had noticed Barbara when she was still a Raber, it wouldn’t have done him any good. She’d been David’s girl from the very beginning. If he had taken an interest in her back then, their courtship would have ended before either of them had a chance to get serious. That’s how it had always been with the women Paul had courted. Maybe it was because they knew he was leery of marriage. Besides, Barbara was two years older than Paul and probably wouldn’t have given him a second glance during their teen years.
    Might as well get myself a cup of coffee , he decided. It will give me something to do until she gets back, and hopefully it’ll keep me from all this crazy thinking .
    In the kitchen, Paul found a pot of coffee warming on the stove. He located a man-sized mug and had just poured himselfsome coffee when he heard the back door swing open and bang against the wall.
    When he turned, a young boy with brunette hair and dark eyes like Barbara’s faced him.
    “Who are you, and what are ya doin’ with my pa’s coffee mug?” The child planted his hands on his hips.
    Paul forced a smile. He didn’t like the way the boy was staring at him. “I’m Paul Hilty. You must be one of Barbara’s boys.”
    The lad thrust out his chin and pushed back his shoulders, but he didn’t return Paul’s smile. “My name’s Aaron. I’m her oldest son.”
    Paul opened his mouth to reply, but Aaron cut him off. “When I grow up, I plan to take over Pa’s harness shop.” He stared down at Paul’s black boots. “My mom’ll be old
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