Officer in Pursuit
the water, still carrying Kerry on his
shoulders. “Losers! Ha!”
    Kerry was breathless, victorious – for
a moment, completely and ridiculously happy. Then an especially
large wave rolled up on Grey and broke against his shoulder. The
spray hit Kerry’s cheek and sent Grey into a coughing
    His hold on her legs loosened, and she
clambered down, slipping into the water.
    Already, she missed the heat and
hardness of his body against hers. “Are you all right?”
    “Yeah, fine.” He coughed a little
longer, rubbed water out of his eyes.
    Alicia and Liam were shaking with
    “How’s that victory treating you?”
Liam asked. “Taste anything like salt water?”
    “Say what you want,” Grey replied, “it
won’t change the fact that you lost.”
    They didn’t play again, but they did
stay in the water. The sun kept shining, the waves kept rolling,
and by the time they got out, it was because everyone was
    As usual, Sasha had prepared a
gluttonous spread that could’ve sustained the entire beach. The
coolers were with her and Henry, holding the corners of the beach
blanket down.
    “Hey,” Sasha said as Kerry, Grey,
Alicia and Liam approached, “no one said you guys were planning to
play chicken.”
    “We didn’t know you were interested,”
Alicia said, opening a cooler full of sweet tea, water and soda on
    Sasha made a huffing sound. “It’s like
you don’t even know me. For future reference, I want to be included
in any game that gives me an excuse to get wet while sitting on
Henry’s shoulders.”
    The bottom dropped right out of
Kerry’s stomach, and her face was suddenly on fire. She reached
blindly into the cooler full of drinks and grabbed the first cold
thing she touched. Then she hid her face behind the can, knowing
full well that she was the only one truly embarrassed by what Sasha
had said.
    Everyone else was used to the things
that came out of her mouth.
    “Kerry!” Sasha rounded on her, her
blonde ponytail whipping the air. “Do my eyes deceive me, or are
you drinking soda?”
    Everyone stared.
    The burning in Kerry’s cheeks
intensified, and she could only hope they’d mistake it for sunburn.
She always went for bottled water, hadn’t had soda in ages.
“Everything in moderation,” she said, flipping back the tab on her
Dr. Pepper.
    The sweet burn of it on her tongue was
an alien flavor she hadn’t tasted in years. It was oddly
exhilarating, much like their water games had been.
    She couldn’t blame Sasha for being
surprised. Today – for just one afternoon – she felt like a
different person. And although she knew it couldn’t last, she liked

    Grey’s swim shorts were too small. He
realized that now.
    They were his usual size, but when
he’d bought them he hadn’t accounted for the extra space his
perma-hard-on from hell would take up. There was no question about
it: positioning himself so that his dick wasn’t the first thing
people noticed about him was an art form.
    It’d started in the water. Kerry had
climbed up onto his shoulders, wrapped her legs around him and sent
most of his blood rushing below his belt. With waves lapping around
his waist, it hadn’t been a big deal. The hardness had lingered
after their game of chicken though, prompting him to linger in the
water, swimming in an attempt to exhaust himself past the point of
being able to maintain an erection.
    It hadn’t worked. At best, it’d taken
him down to half-mast, and then he’d noticed that he could see
Kerry’s nipples poking against her swimsuit when the fabric was
    He’d been doomed from there on
    Now, he moved stiffly – pun intended –
as he helped pack up the group’s beach stuff. The sky was streaked
bright pink, the color of evening spreading over the Atlantic. It
was a pink like the inside of a seashell, tinged neon by the
setting sun.
    Grey hefted a cooler into a position
that conveniently blocked his crotch from
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