Odd Ball Out

Odd Ball Out Read Online Free PDF

Book: Odd Ball Out Read Online Free PDF
Author: Winter Woods
early morning. I swing my feet out of bed and head to the bathroom, like I would any other morning. Only this morning, I’m peeking around the foot of my bed. Nothing. No one there. Normally I’d leave my bathroom door open but today I close it. I check the tub and under the sink. Nope, just me in here.
    What a mystery this little pixie is. I find myself intrigued despite the weirdness, or maybe because of it? I’m not sure.
    I use the toilet, wash up, brush my teeth and hair and head back into my bedroom. Inconspicuously looking around. I open my closet and no Morgan. I get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Then I drop down on all fours and look under my bed. Nope. Huh.
    Just then I hear a ping from my phone.
    MORGAN: hey you! I got up and made us French toast. I know everyone else is still sleeping but you want to come down and eat with me?
    HADEN: sure, omw
    MORGAN: milk ok?
    HADEN: yeah
    I head downstairs and see that Morgan must have been up for a while because the table is already set and the French toast is already made and it’s only 6:15. I try for Morgan, “h-hi.” The radiance of his smile warms my whole body. I could bask in that shine for the rest of my life and never get cold. “Hi yourself gorgeous, sit.”
    I duck my head at his compliment because I can feel the blush spreading. I hear him sit down next to me. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and pull it out
    MORGAN: you’re so cute when you blush
    I read his text and promptly cover my face with both my hands, feeling my flesh flaming. I hear his chuckle and to my delighted surprise he reaches over and ruffles my hair. Then he just rests his hand at the nape of my neck, rubbing that soft and sensitive skin with his thumb. He doesn’t stop until I’ve relaxed enough to lower my hands.
    MORGAN: so, the French toast is yellowish and the butter is yellowish, so I didn’t know how you’d want it prepared
    HADEN: yeah, no butter, just syrup
    MORGAN: does it bother you if other people mix the colors?
    HADEN: not if I don’t look
    MORGAN: so yes, but you’re being nice
    HADEN: well, yeah
    Without another word Morgan gets up and puts the butter away, not having taken any for himself either. Then he takes my plate and puts it in the microwave to get it warm again, then does the same with his. We eat together companionably, sharing small impish smiles.
    When we’re done he cleans up the small mess from making breakfast, including washing the few dishes we used, drying them and putting them away. Then he wipes down the table and counters. Afterwards he picks up his phone without sitting back down and texts me.
    MORGAN: what now?
    HADEN: oh. I usually work.
    MORGAN: ok, do you like coffee or tea or anything in the morning?
    HADEN: yeah, actually, coffee
    MORGAN: I can make you some and bring it up to you?
    HADEN: that would be really great, thank you
    MORGAN: how do you like it?
    HADEN: little coffee with my milk and sugar
    MORGAN: lol, me too, be up when it’s don e 
    HADEN: thank you for breakfast, it was wonderful
    MORGAN: you’re welcome, now off you go, I won’t have you firing me on the first day because I don’t let you work
    HADEN: geez Morgan I’m not going to fire you. Is that why you’re being so nice?
    MORGAN: umm, maybe a little, yeah? But only in that I keep pulling away so I’m not monopolizing your time or keeping you up too late. If I wasn’t worried about keeping my job then I would be more selfish and not have a problem monopolizing your time.
    HADEN: oh
    MORGAN: yeah, not really anywhere to go from there, huh? All right handsome, off you go!
    HADEN: you’re killing me…
    MORGAN: like I said, cute when you blush
    HADEN: ahh!
    I escape the kitchen and the maddeningly attractive imp trying to melt my brain with his charm. Unfortunately it’s working because I head to my bedroom
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