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Book: Obsession Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kathi Mills-Macias
making plans, Brad. I know that sounds coldhearted, but it's a fact. Right now the only thing I can think of is that my dad is gone. He's dead, and if there's something more to his death than what we've been told, I want to know about it. Until that's settled, I really can't think or talk about anything else. If my emotions are clouding my judgment, well then, that's the way it is. I really can't set my emotions aside just because you think I should. They're a part of me right now—a big part! And you're just going to have to accept that.”
    She heard him sigh, and she realized he was resigned to letting her do what she felt she must do. They had known each other for a long time, and she was confident that Brad knew what to expect when she set her mind to something. In that way, as much as in looks and coloring, she was just like her father. Both were single-minded, with bulldog tenacity once they sank their teeth into something. The problem had been when they dug in at opposite ends of a situation. The impasse could go on indefinitely.
    “Do you want me to go with you?” His voice was tentative. “I have a couple of early morning appointments, but I'm sure I could reschedule them.”
    She shook her head, as if he could see her. “No. I think this is something I need to do by myself. Thanks anyway.”
    “Sure.” Another pause. “So what about an early lunch, since I know you won't take time for breakfast? I can come by your dad's office and pick you up.”
    She smiled again. “I'd like that. In fact, with the sunshine streaming through my window, I'm tempted to suggest a nice leisurely picnic at the park.”
    “You're on. I'll pick up the sandwiches. See you at eleven o'clock.”
    After a quick shower, a glass of juice, and a scribbled note to Melissa, Toni set off clutching the file and opting for a brisk morning walk rather than driving the short distance to the station. As she mounted the steps and reached for the glass door under the “River View PoliceDepartment” sign, the door suddenly swung open toward her, and she found herself staring up into the face of Detective Abe Matthews.
    Toni couldn't tell which of them was more surprised. She found her voice first. “Detective Matthews. Good morning.”
    He hesitated. “Good morning to you, Miss… Matthews.” He frowned, his dark eyes puzzled. “What are you doing here? I mean, what brings you…?”
    He seemed to run out of words just as his forehead smoothed out and his eyes widened. Toni swallowed a smile, determined to maintain a businesslike demeanor.
    “I'm here to talk to someone about… my father.”
    He raised his eyebrows, and Toni found herself wondering if his eyes were always so expressive. “Your father? What about him? I mean, is there something I can help you with, or…?”
    Toni shook her head. “No, it's just that… well, I need to talk to someone who knew Dad, someone who—” She caught herself. “I'm sorry. Really. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I know you knew my father, but…”
    “But not well enough,” he said, finishing her thought. “I understand.” He held the door for her and stepped back to let her through. “It was nice seeing you again, Miss Matthews.”
    She started through, then stopped. Like her father, she wasn't one to let impulse overtake reason—at least not very often—but this was about to be one of those rare occasions. “Detective Matthews…”
    “Abe,” he corrected her. “Remember?”
    This time she let the smile sneak out. “Abe,” she repeated. “Then, please, call me Toni.”
    He returned her smile, and she couldn't help but notice that it was dazzling. She took a deep breath and plunged in. “I… well, maybe you could help me. I really didn't have anyone specific in mind to talk to, and since we've already met…”
    The smile moved from his lips to his eyes, warming her even more than the morning sun, as they both stepped inside the building. “Let'sgo into my office. Down
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