Nowhere To Run (To Protect And Serve)

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Book: Nowhere To Run (To Protect And Serve) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mary Eason
whatever this crazy thing was happening between them was over and he might never see her or hold her like this again. Still, time was critical. He needed answers.
    He pulled his mouth away but couldn’t bring himself to lose contact just yet. He brushed his thumbs along her jaw and pressed his forehead to hers.
    She gently pushed against his chest and Riley let her go.
    “Jordan.” His voice sounded raspy, unlike himself.
    She needed space. He understood. Remnants of shared passion still hung heavy in their breathing. But what had just happened? She needed comfort. He gave it. Was that all there was?
    He’d witnessed some of her most intimate emotions. She didn’t like that. She inched away, embarrassed by the tears.
    As much as he hated to push her for details, time still mattered and it was quickly running out on what he needed her to say to her.
    He touched her cheek and she raised her eyes to his. “Don’t speak. Don’t ask questions. There isn’t much time and I need you to listen to me very carefully. Your life may depend on it.”
    Her eyes widened in surprise. Maybe it was his words. His tone. The grimness in his eyes. He wasn’t sure. But he’d gotten her attention. He thought he saw the tiniest of nods. “I’m sorry about your brother. But you need to know the truth. This wasn’t a random act of violence. Jeremy wasn’t in the wrong place at the wrong time. This was deliberate.”
    “What are you talking about? I don’t understand.” Something shifted in her expression. She knew something. Her eyes raked his and she shook her head. “Who would want Jeremy dead? He was just a kid. Why did you mention my fiancé earlier?”
    Outside, Riley heard his partner making conversation in a louder than normal voice. Santiago. He retrieved one of his business cards and slipped it into her lab coat.
    “ You can reach me at any of the numbers listed on my business card. My cell phone’s on all the time. I need to talk to you in private, about Jeremy. About what just happened. But for now, I need you to listen. We only have a few minutes and your life might just be in danger as well. I need you to promise me you won’t trust anyone. Especially those closest to you. Especially not Caesar Santiago.”
    “ Danger?” She tried to pull away, but this time he didn’t let her.
    Riley’s gaze held hers. Something inside her stilled. “Jeremy’s death was a deliberate attempt to send a message.”
    “ Message? What message? I-I don’t understand—“
    Before Riley could answer, t he door flew open on its hinges and Frank stepped inside followed by another man. Riley recognized Santiago mostly from the hours of video surveillance he’d watched of the man. To anyone looking on, the tall well-dressed man would have appeared to be anything but dangerous.
    “Ah, see -- there she is, Mr. Santiago.” Frank shot Riley a questioning look. Burbeck wanted to know if he’d gotten anything useful from Jordan. Riley confirmed the truth with a slow shake of his head. “Safe and sound.”
    Caesar Santiago quickly assimilated the scene before him, not missing Riley’s close proximity to his fiancé. His personal touch. A gamut of emotions flashed within his dark eyes. Anger. Jealousy. Speculation. He’d want to know what had taken place between Riley and his fiancé before he’d entered the room.
    For all the horrible details of the things Riley’d read about Santiago he despised the man. That he knew Jordan intimately had increased that distain tenfold.
    From what’d just happened between himself and Jordan, he couldn’t conceive she had any real emotions for the monster that was her fiancé. No way was he wrong about that. So what would she chose to do after tonight?     
    Riley could only hope some of what he’d been trying to convey to her about Santiago’s true personality might have gotten through to her. And he had to admit, pissing off a slimeball like Santiago was kinda nice. An added bonus.
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