November Foxtrot (Rhythm of the Heart Book 2)

November Foxtrot (Rhythm of the Heart Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: November Foxtrot (Rhythm of the Heart Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Scarlett Jade
When her phone rang, she shrieked in terror, her heart pounding against her ribs as she scrambled through the bedding to find the source of the ringing.
    She prayed that it would be Calvin, not even glancing at the screen to check the number before she answered. “Hello?”
    “Well hello yourself, darlin'. When were you gonna call me and tell me that I was a daddy?” Derek's drawl curled through her ears and she stiffened. No horror book could ever compare to the panic and terror she felt at hearing his voice. Her chest tightened and her pulse skittered. “Darlin',” he murmured, his voice whiskey soft and sweet, “Aren't you gonna talk to me? I mean, even after you marrying that man...I'm still willing to forgive you.”
    Hell rose from deep inside her belly, the flames licking higher and searing through the bands of panic that held her tongue and she screamed, “You're willing to FORGIVE ME ? Me? What did I do to you, Derek? Not a damn thing. I was faithful to you. You missed out on me. I certainly won't be crawling back to you.”
    “Aren't you lonely laying in that big bed, Zoe? Don't you remember how good we used to be together?”
    She snorted and sat up quickly in the bed. “How GOOD we used to be together? Was that BEFORE you banged my best friends or after? How many others were there?”
    “That, darlin', is of no importance. Not when you're carrying my baby. You need to divorce that darkie and come on back with me. I'll forgive you for straying. We can raise our baby together, down here in Alabama, where you belong. With me.” He finished his barrage on a soft note, a satiny sweet pleading that used to make Zoe bend to his will.
    “Go to hell, Derek. The baby might not even be yours.”
    “Not according to Calvin, who so graciously gave me a call. He said I had a right to know the baby could be mine.”
    Zoe groaned. Damn you Calvin and your conscience! “It doesn't change anything, Derek. I'm happily married to Calvin.”
    Derek laughed long and hard. “Baby. You two were together what, a week? Come on, honey, we have HISTORY . You and Calvin might've grown up together but can you really say what you two have is LOVE ? That quick? Or is it just you're hoping he'll fill the void from when you left me?”
    “You're such a prick, Derek. I have always loved Calvin; the whole time I grew up, I loved him. I wanted to be with him instead of you. But Callie had him, and then he went away. I – I don't have to explain myself to you, Derek! I'm happy. When the baby comes, we'll run a paternity test, but not a minute before.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and hung up.
    Derek sent rapid fire texts, her phone vibrating beside her as she fell back on the pillow and sobbed.
    D: I have the right to see my baby.
    D: I have the right to watch my baby grow.
    D: You can't deny me that right, Zoe. Do you want your baby to be without a good Daddy? Like you? Don't shut me out.
    She read the texts through her tears and threw the phone across the room, the smack of plastic against plaster satisfying. Rolling up into a ball, she sobbed herself to sleep.

Chapter Four
    The days flowed into each other, the late fall blending beautifully into an early winter. The first snowfall took her by surprise. We just don't have snow like this in Alabama. Pulling her woefully inadequate sneakers on she stepped out of the apartment and took a cleansing breath of crisp air. Snow filled her shoes quickly and she shivered, realizing the need for real winter wear. Her clothes were too snug these days anyway; a shopping trip would soon be warranted.
    She'd seen the doctor again and the baby was growing perfectly. She didn't know if she was having a boy or girl yet, but the doctor said it was only a matter of time.
    Thanksgiving was only a week away and Grams was pushing for her to come home. Zoe was a nervous wreck, her nerves taut and frayed. Derek was constantly blowing up her phone with a barrage of texts,
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