Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9)

Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Catty Diva
    Heloise and Nat arrived seconds after they did. Once they were seated, Nat was next to him again. He drew in a deep breath appreciating the sweet, clean scent coming from her. The flowery smell pulled at him deeply. It was more than want or need, it was all consuming and his demon wanted to answer. Norvir held him back, for now.
    “How are you ladies doing tonight?” Norvir asked.
    “We are doing great. One day down, one day to go.” Heloise mentioned.
    “Yes, I have Nat’s lecture tomorrow. It will be the one before lunch. I have Don Thompson for the afternoon lecture.
    “Good ole Don.” Heloise smirked.
    “His lecture is on recycling.” Norvir noted.
    “Don is the leading specialist on recycling. He will be able to tell the best methods to recycle any material that can be currently be recycle. Don will also give you some great hints on storing materials awaiting recycling in the safest and cleanest possible ways.” Heloise pointed out.
    “We currently have little refuse, we have worked hard on using natural products in construction, and using reusable products in our everyday lives.” Norvir observed.
    “You are able to get your people to follow these guidelines?” Nat asked amazed.
    “Of course. Our people are very practical and conservation interests all of them. If offspring are brought up with these mandates, they will apply them and pass them on.”
    “Your world sounds like a place I would like to visit.” Nat admitted.
    “Come for a visit, then decide.”
    “I might just do that.” She said softly.
    A server took their drink order when she brought some complimentary appetizers and she took their orders. They continued their discussion covering many conservation topics. Norvir felt like he had found a kindred spirit. Their views on the environment were closely matched. His demon showed his her aura, it was a lovely pale purple. A perfect match for him and Oison.
    Their food came, it smelled delicious. Everyone dug in with appetite. Morelan was finally talking to Heloise although he was only answering her questions. “You are from Oison.” Nat stated. She was a smart one.
    “Yes.” He saw no point in denying it.
    “Why are you hiding it?” Nat wondered.
    “People act different and we have a company on Earth that is trying to cause us problems. It was decided there was no point in advertising our presence when we are off world.” Norvir admitted.
    “I suppose I can see the sense in that. If they don’t know you’re here, they won’t cause trouble.”
    “Exactly.” Norvir smiled at her. His female had common sense to go with that brilliant and educated mind.
    “You are the rare man of few words. Well except for Moore, he hardly speaks at all.”
    “I will see you tomorrow. I’ve been looking forward to your lecture.”
    “Why? It’s on recovery from pollution, it’s geared toward healing a planet that is already messed up like Earth. There will be little in the lecture you can apply to Oison.”
    “You are passionate about saving your planet. Lectures are better when given by someone truly committed to their cause. It will be exciting to hear what you have to say and how you say it.”
    “Now I’m nervous. I may disappoint you.”
    “You couldn’t if you tried.”
    Talk halted while everyone finished their food. Norvir paid the bill and he knew it was time to go. “We will see you both tomorrow for lunch, won’t we?” He asked.
    “Of course.” Heloise answered before Nat could speak. Apparently, she didn’t want to give Nat a chance to say no.
    “That’s great. Good night, ladies.” Norvir added and Morelan repeated.
    Norvir and Morelan parted ways as Morelan headed to the ship while Norvir headed to his room. Tomorrow would be when something happened. It was his last day here, he would have his possessions loaded on the ship and checkout before attending the first lecture. Before the second lecture began after lunch, all their people would be on the ship
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