No Remorse

No Remorse Read Online Free PDF

Book: No Remorse Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marylynn Bast
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Vampires
“You don’t understand; they have no regard for the law and will do as they wish. I’ve told you before of my pack’s tie to the Council. They won’t stop! Not until I’m in pack territory. You and Amber will be dead!” Clutching Amber to her. Amber had seen her mother upset before, but not to the point of hysteria .

    A mber recalled the night vividly. She stayed in her room while her mother and Byron argued over them leaving. She had listened intently when her mother warned Byron that Tommy would not believe that Amber was his daughter.
    At the time, it hadn't made sense to Amber what she was hearing. Her mother had been raped by multiple werewolves and that any of them could be her father. Amber shook her head to clear her thoughts. Maybe her mother meant that he could be her father, not that he was.
    Byron and Winona were still arguing about them leaving when Tommy returned later that night with reinforcements. Byron had called his brother Jason to come in for support, but that was not enough.
    Amber listened as Tommy’s crew stormed the house behind the bar. Fists were flying while bodies hurtled through the air smashing furniture throughout the room. Winona screamed loudly as Tommy grabbed her. His men had knocked Jason unconscious and held Byron’s beaten and bloodied body to the floor.
    Amber stood behind the closed and locked door of her room. She could hear everything. The words that Tommy snarled burned into her brain.
    “By Council’s orders, I am here to return you, Winona Gray Hamilton, runaway pack member, back to the den. Council leader Isaac Whiting has ordered that your daughter be brought before the Council. You are a disgrace to your bloodline and your mutt will be dealt with by the Council.”
    Amber heard her mother’s screams for her to run. She couldn’t let that man take her mother back to that place. Instead of running, she reached for the door to unlock and jerk it open when she was grabbed from behind. The arms were like a vice and the hand that slid around her mouth secured her scream. His grip didn’t falter when she struggled violently to escape, biting at the hand that was held firmly across her mouth. She hadn’t heard the man that had slipped into her room; she was so intent on listening to what was happening in the living room.
    “Stop!” At the commanding sound of the voice Amber ceased struggling, but stood stiffly in his arms. The words didn't make sense to her. “Don’t scream or they will come. You have to get out of here.”
    At her nod in agreement to not scream, the large hand was removed slowly from her mouth. She whispered, “What do you want?” She was terrified but stood still.
    “I want my granddaughter to be safe,” the big man whispered in a broken voice.
    Amber gasped, realizing that this was her mother’s father. He slipped something into her pocket and turned her towards him. She stared into the chocolate brown, sad eyes of her grandfather.
    Tears were streaming down her face. Amber shook her head and tried to speak, to say something, but nothing came out. This was her family and her grandfather was sending her away? Amber couldn't wrap her brain around the fact that the pack wanted her mother to come back home, but they didn't want her. The Council was going to deal with her. She shook her head in denial that this could be happening. She could still hear her mother screaming in the next room. Her grandfather rushed her towards the other door that led to the back hallway and to the back porch.
    She pushed against him, to turn back to her mother.
    “Don’t fight, little one; you will die if you go back there. You must get out now. Go and don't look back,” he told her, hurrying her out through the darkness to the waiting car. He pushed her gently into the back seat, quickly and quietly pushed the door shut, tapping the top of the car. The driver didn't say a word to her, but took off and left the small restaurant bar
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