cynical – or experienced – gambler, sweetened the losses made by most players.
Although there were a number of men who did not spend the night hours trying to make a fortune in the casino, their absence provoked no curiosity. Many passengers were working-men, travelling upriver on the stern-wheeler because it was the cheapest form of travel to wherever they were going.
Such men could not afford to risk their meagre capital on the spin of a roulette wheel. Their presence on board was disregarded by croupiers, gamblers – and by those who had boarded the Missouri Belle with more sinister pursuits in mind.
The latter would have been disconcerted had they been aware of the number of firearms in the possession of some ofthese ‘working-men’.
Aaron had briefed the men in considerable detail before they boarded the stern-wheeler. Now they were all on the riverboat together he ignored them, leaving Wes to carry any instructions on his behalf, while he spent much of the evening and night in the casino.
When questioned about this by Wes, his excuse was that he was taking stock of the other gamblers, identifying those who were rich and likely to be targets for the river pirates. At the same time he hoped to pick out those who were also seeking out the richest men – but for very different reasons.
In the meantime, Aaron also made such progress with Lola that he now did not return to the cabin he shared with Wes until the breakfast bell had been sounded on board the Missouri Belle .
After his second absence, when he put in an appearance and changed his clothes in readiness for the new day, he said, ‘Last night was very interesting, Wes.’
‘I don’t doubt it,’ Wes replied, caustically, ‘I’m sure Lola has a great many talents to offer a man.’
Looking sharply at Wes, Aaron said, ‘It has nothing to do with Lola – at least, not directly. One of the men we saw with Ira was in the casino last night. He’d been drinking more than was good for a man with something on his mind. He tried to persuade Lola to let him come to her cabin when the casino closed. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, so I stepped in and told him she had other plans. He told me to make the most of her while I could, because it wouldn’t be long before she found out that a Southern private was more than a match in bed for a Yankee general. Now, neither you, nor any of the others on board have mentioned anything about my rank in the Union army, so it must have come from Ira. Such a boast would seem to confirm what we already believe is going to happen.’
Wes agreed. ‘When is it we arrive at the place where Ira wants the Missouri Belle to put him ashore?’
‘Soon after first light tomorrow,’ Aaron replied, ‘It’s the ideal time as far as Ira and his friends are concerned. Most passengers will still be in their beds and the crew will be no more than half awake.’
His words gave Wes a moment of near-panic. The thought of fighting for his life against river pirates had never seemed quite real to him before. Now it was less than twenty-four hours away it had suddenly become very real indeed!
‘I hope everyone is quite sure of what they have to do,’ he said, anxiously.
‘I’ve put my orders and anything else I feel should be known into writing, Wes. I want you to take it to Captain Schuster. He is to take care of Ira and those of his men who are on board with him. Tell him to pass on the details to the others before coming to this cabin to speak to me after dark tonight. Everyone will need to be up and fully awake before daylight and know exactly what’s expected of them. Timing is important. I want to catch every one of those murdering sons-of-bitches – dead or alive. Either way they’ll no longer be a threat to decent folk.’
‘How about me, Aaron?’ Wes asked, ‘What exactly do you want me to do?’
‘You’ll come with me to the pilot house to deal with whoever comes there to put a gun to the pilot’s head