Nillium Neems
perhaps it’s time to go into a bit more detail. The Monsters infest
this home of mine to the very core. They disguise themselves as
both patients and wardens, sometimes even doctors, and try their
very best to make my life a living Hell. They whisper in the
doctor’s ears at night, telling them new ways to torment me, new
poisons to try. They keep tabs on me, aware of my every move. It is
my sincere belief that this would be a wonderful or at least,
livable place, if it were not for the Monsters.
    That’s why I kill them whenever I can get
away with it, to remove their evil from this world. The creatures
never physically try to kill me, but they don’t really need to. For
they are killing me bit by bit as time goes by, drowning any hope I
have until all is lost.
    This particular Monster was dressed like a
patient. To the casual observer, he would have passed as such, but
I had long since learned to recognize them for what they were.
Human-shaped, with human features, they nevertheless had a certain
‘glassiness’ to them, a slightly unreal quality.
    It walked up to me, a blank expression on
its face and sat down beside me and Lana. I looked around furtively
for a weapon, not wanting the Monster to catch on that I was aware
of it. Unfortunately, the doctors of Atrium are not in the habit of
leaving weapons lying around for us.
    I’d have to go back to basics and strangle
the thing. I’m a small person mind you, not very strong at all, but
as they say, practice makes perfect. This would be far from the
first time I’d had to resort to such tactics.
    So I leapt upon it, Lana not even pausing in
her artwork as me and the creature rolled across the ground. Hands
inching around its neck to a prime position for killing, I latched
on and squeezed, choking the life from my adversary. Its eyes
filled not with anger, not with fear, but with a mocking delight,
as if I was the one about to die instead of it.
    As I felt the hands and heard the shouts of
wardens behind me, I realized I had a problem. They pulled me off
the creature before I could finish the job, and I think I’m the
only one who noticed the smug look on its face as the wardens
hauled me away. Looking back, I wonder if that’s exactly what the
creature had wanted, was for me to get in trouble.
    For trouble is precisely what I got into.
Beat with the blunt batons that the wardens carried, till I could
nary lift a finger, they left me strapped immobile to a bed, in a
room that I didn’t like. They discussed what to do with me as I lay
there, needing something radical to alter my behavior. Again.
    Dr. Higgins stared down at me as I swam
between unconsciousness and alert terror. He opened his mouth but I
couldn’t hear the words, too out of it from the beating to
understand what he said. The only word that made it through was
‘electroshock’ which only made my terror worse.
    Electroshock therapy isn’t as bad as it
could be, since I’ve kind of gotten used to it over the years, but
it still sucks. I know it’s without question damaged my memory, but
hey, looking on the bright side, at least they haven’t gotten
around to giving me a lobotomy yet.
    After that I kind of blacked out. It is on
that cheery note that I’ll end this entry, as I lie here recovering
in my own bed, mind feeling numb from having an amp of electricity
shoved through it.
    Nil, Out.

    Day 14
    Still feeling out of it. One of the doctors
must have had an acute attack of conscience, for I awoke with a
fluffy teddy bear lying next to me. Not the greatest as teddy bears
go, but it was a kind enough thought. I’m attributing it to Hammy
since he usually does stuff like that and seems to be the only
doctor who actually cares. I’m sure they’ll take it away from me
soon enough, but for the time being it’s kind of nice.
    I heard the chink of something hitting the
metal frame of my bed and looked up to see Derrick sitting on the
end furthest from me, his grotesque feet dangling
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