Nice and Naughty

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Book: Nice and Naughty Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jayne Rylon
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
tight enough to show her how much hurting her excited him. “What is Winston up to?”
    “I don’t know.” She answered honestly, understanding he’d never believe her.

    Her assailant shook her with rough jerks, twisting her arm up behind her back. She thrashed in his hold and heard her skirt rip as it caught on a metal edge that sliced her skin beneath it. Alexa couldn’t stifle the cry he wrung from her as he applied more pressure.
    “Hello?” A deep voice rang out from several rows away, echoing in the cavernous space. “Is someone down here?”
    Her captor tried to cover her mouth but, with the gun in one hand and the other holding her arm, he couldn’t move fast enough.
    “Help!” She screamed so loud the raw sound that tore from her throat hurt her own ears. With her head forced to the side, mashed against the trunk, she glimpsed a mop of sandy hair bobbing as the newcomer ran closer. His sharp footfalls grew louder as the man behind her dragged her toward a beat up old van parked nearby.
    “Hey, you!” Her would-be savior bore down on them as he sprinted between the cars. “Get your fucking hands off her.”
    She struggled, kicking and fighting every inch of the way, but when the sharp corner of the vehicle’s sliding door banged against her elbow, she knew time had run out. By mere chance, her thrashing knee connected with something soft as the lunatic attempted to shove her through the opening. She half-fell, half-scurried away as his hold loosened for an instant. His moan of pain and frustration cut off abruptly, silenced by the peel of tires, as his driver carried them away a moment before the helpful stranger reached her. He skidded across the last few feet, rushing to her side.
    “Jesus Christ! Are you okay?” He knelt next to her, his hands searching for injuries.
    “Where are you hurt?”
    “I’m fine.” The thready croak didn’t inspire much confidence.
    “We have to get out of here. If they didn’t know where you lived before, they do now.”
    His familiar voice arrowed through her shock and thawed her stunned mind.

    “Yeah, honey, it’s me.” She hadn’t recognized him at first. The polished businessman had morphed into the rugged rebel of her dreams. Alexa flinched when her hand touched the short whiskers she remembered so well. “You’re safe. It’s okay now.”
    He seemed to be trying to convince himself. While he cradled her in the crook of one arm, sheltering her, he extracted a sleek cell phone from the inside pocket of his leather jacket. Scrambled thoughts untangled themselves as she wrestled to contain the tremors beginning to shake her.
    “You have a beard.” Unsteady fingers pressed against scruffy hairs and the tense jaw beneath them.
    “Hate to shave.” He might have continued their surreal conversation but someone answered his call. “Jay, where the hell are you?”
    J. Not Justin.
    Oh, shit. J. must think she was insane. She feared she might be sick as her thoughts zigzagged between the attack and her colossal screw up in the boardroom. She barely registered Justin arguing in the background.
    “I don’t give a fuck if it’s reserved for residents. Just get in the damn garage. Someone attacked her.” He snapped the phone closed.
    “Can you stand up?” He searched the lot, his eyes never resting on one spot for long. His vigilance bolstered her survival instincts, giving her the strength to start moving again. As he helped her gain her feet, a luxurious sedan rolled up beside them. “Just a few more seconds, honey.”
    He ushered her inside the door he yanked open. Her scraped knees burned as she crawled across the backseat. She met the driver’s gaze in the rearview mirror.
    “Someone better tell me what’s going on here.” The shaking of her body affected her voice, making the words jitter. Both men exchanged looks, drawing her attention. They were so alike and, yet, so different. “You’re
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