Nice and Naughty

Nice and Naughty Read Online Free PDF

Book: Nice and Naughty Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jayne Rylon
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Adult
calendar, clearing all his other appointments for the afternoon. This woman held the key for them both.
    “I’ll make it in twenty.” Justin loved speed and, on top of that, he’d spent weeks obsessed with finding this woman.
    Jason looked at the phone. The severed connection didn’t stop him from admonishing his brother. “Be careful.”
    Alexa fumed as she maneuvered her car through heavy rush hour traffic. Shit, why do I care if he wants to pretend it never happened?
    Mr. Winston, she thought snidely, presented her with a golden opportunity to banish her indiscretion into oblivion and take on a professional challenge of a career-making magnitude. But how could she stand to work for a man capable of such complete deception? Her morals wouldn’t allow it. After all, that asshole had pursued her for business purposes and didn’t even have the decency to feign guilt for enjoying fucking her on the side of the road under false pretenses. She didn’t doubt that he’d enjoyed it, some things a man couldn’t fake, but apparently their interlude had been a necessary evil. She wondered if he’d given himself hazard pay for that duty. You’re just pissed he wasn’t as affected as you. Every day of the past two weeks she’d buried herself in work only to find that nothing could douse the yearning he’d ignited. His calculated seduction stung and confused her. What purpose could it serve? Logic suggested insurance, an imprudence to hold over her as blackmail in case she attempted to reveal his trade secret. Damn, this must be one important deal.
    Not even for that would she risk her heart. As much as it frustrated her, she admitted the truth—that Justin had turned out to be a slimy dirtbag—hadn’t obliterated her physical attraction to him. She wouldn’t lose her head over another undeserving creep. She made a point of learning from her mistakes so she understood this insane attraction would have her tangled up in emotions before long if she didn’t escape while she still had the chance.
    God, he looked good in that suit.
    “Shit! I am so screwed.” Not only did she face getting fired for blowing the proposal, but also she hungered for something she could never have. The rough and wild man she met on that sunlit road never truly existed.
    Alexa turned into the underground parking facility attached to her well-maintained condo, surprised to find herself home so soon. Her wandering thoughts had kept her driving on autopilot. A creature of habit, she pulled into her usual spot and dropped her forehead on the leather steering wheel while gathering energy to make the hike through the desolate cement garage in her power heels.
    Fat lot of good those did you. She climbed from the low seat, bitching to herself as she discovered her day hadn’t hit rock bottom yet. When she reached for her briefcase on the passenger seat, something hard and cold jabbed the ridge of her spine. One clammy hand covered her mouth as a steely arm encircled her chest, jerking out of the car.
    “Keep still, be quiet and I won’t hurt you.”
    Like she believed anything a man holding a gun on her promised. She kicked backward and her stiletto gouged his shin. The rasping voice turned shrill and mean as he cursed her.
    “Nice try, bitch.” This time when he grabbed her, he didn’t pretend to be rational. His fingers latched onto her upper arm with bruising force. He slammed her face down on the trunk of her car causing agony to radiate from her ribs, driving the wind from her momentarily.
    “I don’t have any cash on me.” She masked her fear by giving rage free rein.
    “It’s not your fucking money I want.” The coarse sound he made couldn’t be called a laugh. “I need to know what he’s planning.”
    “Who?” Genuine confusion colored her reflexive question.
    “Don’t play dumb, whore. I can make you talk.” She fought the urge to retch when the man pinned her with his body, trapping her
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