
Nic Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Nic Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jordan Summers
    Mindy stared out the window. The only parking spaces left were by the woods far away from the entrance. Not the safest of locations. She should just go. This was insane.
    No one in their right mind went to a bar alone, especially a woman. Wasn’t she always telling Celina that? Yet here she sat outside of Sticks, considering whether to go inside.
    Mindy tried to remember the last time she’d hit the bars. Between college classes and work, there hadn’t been a lot of time to socialize.
    If her calculations were correct—and they were—then it had been a year since she’d painted the town red. Okay, mauve. With her sister gone, she couldn’t use Izzy as an excuse for not having a social life anymore. The music thumped and her body automatically swayed in her seat.
    Just one dance , a little voice in her head whispered. One dance won’t hurt anyone.
    Neither Celina nor Izzy would ever know that she’d been there. Especially if she didn’t stay long.
    The music called out to her with its siren song. Mindy wanted to be the fun person she used to be before everything changed. She wanted to experience that kind of freedom again, if only for one night. Was that so much to ask?
    She parked her car and climbed out. Gravel crunched under her shoes. Mindy glanced at her vintage pumps. They weren’t made for traversing rock, but she saw no other way to get to the bar, unless she suddenly sprouted wings. Mindy apologized to her favorite pair of shoes, then toddled to the entrance.
    Her footsteps faltered when she caught sight of the man checking IDs at the door. Barrel chested with arms the size of telephone poles, the man wore faded blue jeans and a ripped T-shirt that had some kind of biker emblem on it that she didn’t recognize.
    When his gaze landed on her, his light green eyes appeared to glow in the dark. The illusion only lasted a moment, but it was long enough for Mindy. Stories of monsters flooded her mind. She wanted to turn tail and run, but she wasn’t dressed for sprinting. Mindy’s knees locked in place.
    How many years had she put her own wishes aside to cater to her sister’s whims? How many lies had she told on her behalf? Mindy couldn’t allow Izzy’s dark fantasies to prevent her from living her life. Not anymore.
    Instead of running, she forced herself to focus on her clothes. Mindy tugged at the skirt of her vintage red dress, though it already dropped below her knees. The nice outfit usually made her feel pretty and confident. But right now she’d willingly trade the dress and her favorite shoes for a comfy pair of jeans.
    The doorman came out of the shadowed entryway and slowly approached.
    Mindy quaked in her pumps and craned her neck to look at him.
    “You lost?” he asked.
    It took her a moment to find her voice. “N-n-no. A friend told me about this place. She thought I-I-I’d like it.”
    One dark brow rose as he stared at her clothing. He didn’t believe her. “What exactly did your friend tell you?”
    Mindy’s confidence wavered. Sweat laced her palms. She rubbed her hands along her skirt and swallowed hard. “Just that Sticks was a fun place.” Her voice cracked.
    He stared for a moment more, then shrugged. “Let me see your ID.”
    Mindy retrieved her license from her purse. Her fingers shook as she handed it to him. He sniffed, then returned her ID. The man settled back onto his stool and took out a stamp.
    “How much is the cover charge?” she asked.
    “Hold out your hand,” he said.
    She did as he asked.
    He stamped a glowing wolf paw beneath her knuckles. “Have fun.” The cheerful sentiment was ruined by his anxious expression.
    “Thank you.” Mindy put her license in her purse and stepped through the door. Her legs quivered when she saw the worn tables scattered around the room and sawdust on the floor. On the other side of the dance floor, a band was setting up their equipment.
    Mindy tugged at her skirt again and waited for someone to greet her. After a
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