New Territory

New Territory Read Online Free PDF

Book: New Territory Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Marie Porter
the slight breeze that came through the partially open window.  In a few minutes, Cian returned. Keva looked up to see him in his wolf form, his black fur tawny under the light of the sunset. The light of his golden eyes flickered like the candle flame. He sat across from her, and their eyes met over the flame of the candle, which seem to flutter beneath their golden and blue gazes.
    Cian spoke to Keva in her mind, knowing that was easiest for her to understand. Try to stay very relaxed, he instructed. Shifting, which is what we call changing form, is painful for the first time, but do not anticipate the pain. Merely let it come, and it will pass quickly. Close your eyes, and let your mind become empty. Keva closed her eyes, and tried to empty her mind. Instead of emptiness, she found herself looking down at a placid pool of water. It was a place in her home forest that she fondly called the Mirror Pond because it always reflected her face back to her. When she thought about it, she realized that her true wolf pack had never cared much for her tendency to name things, like lakes, that were not wolves. In her mind, she stared down into the pond, but as the ripples faded, she did not see her own face, but the face of a young female human, with very pale blonde hair framing bright blue eyes. She gasped, and opened her eyes, but the image was burned into her mind: her human half’s face.
    Cian watched as Keva twitched in her trance, but suddenly she gasped and opened her eyes. I saw my other half, she said, grinning. I am that much closer to shifting, and becoming a true lycan, she finished. Cian looked across the candle flame, admiring her pale fur. He reflexively licked his lips, and her ears perked up at the slight sound. Her blue eyes met his, and he watched as she paced forward to sit near him. Are we truly lifemates? Keva asked, her tone one of awe. He touched his nose gently to hers. Not officially, he replied, but I believe we are despite the elders’ concerns. I cannot wait to see how beautiful your human form will be.

    Kara was ecstatic to learn that Keva had been able to find her other half, and she spent the rest of the day gushing about one of her favorite human pastime: clothes shopping. Keva was slightly taken aback. How many different types of clothes are there, anyway? Why can’t you just wear the same thing? Kara’s mouth fell open, yet again. “Truly, you are not quite in touch with your human half yet. You’ll understand later, I’m sure.” Cian, who had made dinner for all four of them, looked up from his plate. “Wait, you can hear her too, Kara?” Kara’s eyes widened. “Of course I can. She’s a telepath,” she replied. Cian frowned. “I thought that only lifemates could speak telepathically,” he countered. Kara shook her head. “It’s rare, but sometimes lycans are born with the ability. I can’t answer her, but I can hear her.” Cian nodded, spearing a piece of steak and chewing it thoughtfully. If it helps, Keva said in both their heads, most true wolves can speak this way. It makes the pack work better as a team, she added. My true-wolf pack did not use as many words as we do, but more images and signals.
    Cian’s eyes lit up at the new information. “Of course! That makes sense, and it explains why true wolves never deign to speak with us. Most of us don’t have the gift of telepathy.” Keva gave him a wolfish grin. It appears that I am more special than I first thought, she replied. Do you think the Council knows about my gift? Kara shook her head quickly. “The Council is very possessive of gifted lycans like you... They would not have threatened to make you leave if they knew. I wouldn’t tell them yet, either.” Cian’s face grew suddenly dark. “They take gifted lycans away from their packs for special missions,” he said with a growl. Kara looked askance at her brother. “Don’t worry, Cian. We won’t let them take Keva too.” Cian only
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