New Beginnings: The Final Volume

New Beginnings: The Final Volume Read Online Free PDF

Book: New Beginnings: The Final Volume Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ella Price
think I was better off alone in my

walked back into the bedroom from the bathroom. I hesitated when I saw
Alexander was sitting on a chair. I pulled my towel a little tighter around me.
“I was going to be down after I dressed,” I said hesitantly.
smiled like he knew something I didn’t. “Why are you so shy? It wasn’t that
long ago that you were naked in my arms.”
looked at him a little shocked. “I slept with you?”
laughed as he stood. “You slept with all of us at one time or another.”
blushed and looked away as I sat down on the bed. “Maybe I am better off
forgetting who I was.”
you had an uncanny ability to get exactly what you wanted,” he said as he
walked over to the window.
thought about it for a minute. “I think I should go home. Maybe everything is
better how it is now. I will at least be a little better because I know now
that I am not crazy.”
looked a little startled. “What about finding the witch and getting your memory
shrugged. “Maybe some things are better left alone. I just want to move on and
let them move on.”
didn’t speak. He looked like he was considering what I was saying. “I believe
that is entirely up to you.”
was relieved that he wasn’t going to argue. “I will leave as soon as I am
dressed. Thank you for being understanding.”
smiled. “In a way I have been where you are. I understand what you want.” He
walked to the door to leave. He hesitated with his hand on the knob. “Everyone
cares about you. Don’t forget that.”
smiled and nodded. “I won’t.”
forced a smile then left me to get dressed.

hurried down the stairs toward the door. I figured it would be best to leave
instead of telling everyone. I hesitated when I saw Rick standing at the bottom
of the stairs. He was leaning against the wall, sharpening a knife. He glanced
up at me scowled and looked away.
to inflict your presence on everyone?” he growled.
words hurt a little, but I pushed the feeling away. I wasn’t going to fight
with him. I was done fighting and being the person he hated. He may not have
thought it, but I wasn’t her anymore. I continued down the stairs. “I am
actually leaving,” I said quietly.
blocked me just as I reached the bottom step. I looked at him a little confused
by his sudden action. “Where are you going?” he asked sounding annoyed.
where I belong,” I said softly and went to move past him.
pressed his body to mine refusing to waver. “So you are just going to give up?”
he asked angrily.
looked at him even more confused now. First he was angry I was here, now he was
angry I was leaving. He needed to make up his mind. “Tell me what exactly am I
giving up? No one has anything nice to say about me except Ali, and that’s
because he is obviously lovesick. I don’t know who I was, and the more I talk
to people the more I don’t want to find out. So I am going to go home and
pretend none of this ever happened. I am going to live a normal life where the
things that go bump in the night don’t exist.” I went to move past him again
and he refused to let me by. I was starting to get irritated with him.
are taking the easy way out!” he hissed. If he wasn’t angry before I knew he
was now. “You get to forget everything you have done; and then you leave us all
here to rot. That sounds like the Isabella I know. Maybe you haven’t lost who
you are as much as you think.”
looked at him trying to control my temper. “I am sorry for whatever it was I
did to you, and whatever it is I will do to you by leaving tonight. I know that
doesn’t really matter, but I am saying it anyway. You should at least take
comfort in the fact that you will never have to worry about me again.” He
didn’t speak and I pushed past him. This time he let me by; and I walked out
the door. I felt a little better once I was in the fresh air. Rick had
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