Never Mind The Botox: Rachel
would put her off for life. Rachel comforted herself with the thought that the latter was the far more likely option. She was bound to come across some horror stories.
    Harry was playing on the fruit machine when Rachel arrived at the pub.
    ‘Hi, get me a pint, will you?’ he said without looking up. ‘Nearly done.’
    Rachel went over to the bar and ordered a pint and a gin and tonic. She sat down at a table near the fruit machine and watched Harry as he finished using up his credits. His hair flopped slightly onto his forehead as he peered into the machine, trying to see if the matching shapes were just a couple of nudges away.
    He’s very good looking, she thought, remembering how totally spellbound she had been when she first met him. Harry had a very direct way of talking, and that included talking about his feelings for Rachel. She’d never met anyone before who had managed to do that while still being totally cool. A couple of weeks after they’d met, Harry had said to her, ‘You know, Rach, I think it’s the fact that you’re so smart as well as pretty that makes me crazy about you.’ He’d said it in such a matter-of-fact way that it came across as simply that, a fact. She’d been so surprised and flattered that she’d had no idea what to say in reply. So she’d said nothing. Instead, she’d got up, taken his hand and flagged down a cab to take them back to her flat. What a night that had been. For a long time Rachel hadn’t quite been able to believe her luck and kept waiting to find out what the catch with Harry was.
    Eventually she worked it out. His directness made him incredibly persuasive and she found it almost impossible to say no to him. As a result, he was constantly leading her astray. When he wanted to go on somewhere and she wanted to go home, he would say to her, ‘It’s not as much fun if you don’t come. I just want you with me, Rachel.’ And she knew he meant it.
    Harry finished his last spin and came over to join her.
    ‘Good day at school?’
    ‘Yes, really good actually,’ Rachel said.
    Normally she wouldn’t bother to tell Harry much about the details of her day as she knew he wasn’t interested. Office jobs were just that, as far as he was concerned. Rachel often wondered how Harry could be so into her at the same time as being so disinterested in something that was such a big part of her life. However, this project was different: she was sure he’d be interested in this one. Yes it was confidential, but this was only Harry. He didn’t exactly move in the same circles as cosmetic surgeons.
    ‘I’ve started a new project: a cosmetic surgery business that’s up for sale,’ she said, quickly adding, ‘I think quite a lot of celebrities might go there.’
    ‘Wow, how cool! What sort of things do they do?’ Harry asked.
    ‘Most things, I think. We’ll be finding out tomorrow. Certainly plenty of boob jobs, though, judging by the posters they have about the place.’
    ‘Will you get to see the before and after photos?’
    ‘Harry!’ Rachel gently punched his arm. ‘I know we get to look at most things but even we don’t have good reason to start rifling through medical photos. I might get to find out which celebs have had stuff done, though, as we’re going to be having a good look at the client base.’
    ‘Might be a few good stories in that,’ said Harry.
    ‘I’m sure the whole place is full of stories. Anyway, I haven’t got long to learn all about it as we’re going to be presenting to the American buyers in a few weeks. So I’ll need to know my Botox from my buttock lifts by then.’
    ‘Buttock lifts? Too weird,’ said Harry. ‘Why would you bother doing that?’
    ‘Because people don’t like having saggy arses, I guess,’ said Rachel.
    ‘Well, they should use you as their after model,’ Harry said, slipping his arm around Rachel’s waist.
    ‘What are you after?’ said Rachel.
    ‘You,’ said Harry.
    Rachel laughed. As usual Harry was
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