Navy SEAL Rescuer

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Book: Navy SEAL Rescuer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shirlee McCoy
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
hold her steady.
    “Yeah? So, spit it out.”
    “I had some trouble with the car. I had to ask a neighbor for a
ride.” She braced herself, knowing exactly what Eileen’s reaction would be.
    “We don’t have a neighbor.”
    “Sure we do. He bought the Morris property, remember?”
    “Yeah. I remember, but I’ve never seen him, so I was wondering
if he actually lived there. Is he cute?”
    “Eileen, you are so predictable.”
    “Well? Is he?”
    “No.” He wasn’t cute. He was drop-dead gorgeous.
    “Then why are your cheeks pink? And...what’s this?” Eileen
touched the bruise on Catherine’s jaw, her eyes narrowing.
    “We can talk about it at home. Darius is waiting at his truck,
and I’m sure he has better things to do with his day than sit in a hospital
parking lot.”
    “I may be sick, but I’m not senile. You’re avoiding my
    “Just putting off the answer for a while.”
    Because I don’t want you to
    Because I’m afraid stress will accelerate
the course of your disease.
    “Because this isn’t the place to discuss it. Half the people
here know me, and I don’t want them going to the press.”
    “They’re idiots, and all the press hounds are idiots, too.”
Eileen scowled, shooting a hard glare at the guy who held the door open for
them. A total stranger, but Eileen wasn’t picky about who she blamed for
Catherine’s troubles.
    The press.
    The community.
    The police.
    The only people she didn’t blame were her church friends.
    Blazing sun reflected off black asphalt as Catherine helped
Eileen down the curb and into the parking lot. Darius stood a few yards away,
leaning against his truck, a phone pressed to his ear. He smiled as they
approached, shoving the phone into his pocket and offering Eileen his hand.
    “You must be Eileen. I’m Darius Osborne.”
    “Nice to meet you, Darius Osborne. I hear you gave my
granddaughter some help this afternoon. Thank you for that.” Eileen clasped his
hand and smiled sweetly.
    Very un-Eileen like, but, then, Eileen had been on a
matchmaking mission since Catherine’s release from prison.
    “I was happy to help, Miz Eileen.” Darius opened the truck
door, but Eileen held back.
    “Doesn’t look like this truck has a backseat.”
    “I’m afraid it doesn’t.”
    “Then, Catherine can get in first. I’ll get carsick if I don’t
have a window seat.”
    “Since when do you get carsick?” Catherine asked.
    “Since I started getting chemo. Now, how about we stop
discussing it and get out of here. I’m getting tired and feeling sick.” She knew
how to get her way. Catherine would give her that.
    “Fine.” Catherine climbed into the truck, ignoring a fancy
sports car that slowly rolled by. Gawkers. She dealt with them every time she
came to town.
    “Give me a hand, will you? I’m not as spry as I used to be.”
Eileen reached out, and Catherine clasped her hand as the sports car U-turned
and headed back toward them.
    She wanted to yank Eileen into the car, but was afraid she’d
break brittle bone or tear tight tendons.
    “Let me help.” Darius lifted Eileen easily, helping her into
the seat and closing the door, sealing them in as he turned to face the
approaching vehicle.
    “Strong guy,” Eileen said.
    Catherine ignored her, watching as the car slowed and a blond
teenager stuck his head out the window.
    “Murderer!” he shouted, his buddy laughing in the seat beside
    This was why she hated coming to
town, the staring, the whispers, the constant reminder of what people had said
about her in the weeks and months following her arrest. What people were still
    “Go back to prison, witch!” he called again, and Darius
shifted, pulling back his jacket and revealing a shoulder holster and gun. The
teen’s mouth dropped open, his eyes widening as he jerked back, closed his
    “That’s one way to get rid of them,” Eileen commented
gleefully, but Catherine hadn’t enjoyed the
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