hands of Ross, while her mind was providing her with a vivid picture of what just happened in her dream. She had been both the lead and the spectator of her own makeout session with Ross.
Lydia got out of bed and thought that obviously her mind was playing tricks with her. She had spent the last few days thinking and looking for Ross and finally she had him right where she needed him to be.
Her face in the mirror was bright red and she mindlessly scrambled around looking for her discarded robe de chambre . Lydia was slowly regaining some sort of brain function and following her morning routine.
What was Ross doing so often in my dreams? She asked herself, while guiltily washing her body in the shower. She was feeling a mixture of slight panic, deep embarrassment and some kind of total loss. Oh my God, am I still in love with him? Lydia managed to accidentally knock her entire makeup kit on the floor, scattering things everywhere.
It was kind of scary, probably not lethal, given the circumstances, but scary nevertheless. She was in a state of silent desperation – with her mind conducting an obviously unsuccessful war against her body.
I must figure it all out, before it is too late. She was probably telling herself the same thing again and again. Much to her surprise, she found that she was not disgusted – on the contrary, she felt excited and ready to see how things would go.
Never mind it all – she had finally started to live again.
Lydia stood once again in front of the mirror, giving her previously confused expression another chance and with a last look at the bed, she closed the door behind her.
Chapter 8
The young man walked towards the house that had been his home ten years ago and adjusted the backpack over his shoulder. His parents were waiting for him on the porch, holding each other by the hands and crying softly.
Stanley Douglass was 32 years old now, almost six feet tall and dressed neatly in a casual jacket and slacks. His steps were slow and uncoordinated, like his parents remembered them to be. Stanley’s eyes avoided direct contact and there was something like fear hiding in there. They had all wanted him to live a happy, normal life, but his autism was bound to prevent him from ever having one. Fortunately, Stanley was an excellent student, able to achieve in higher education and have a good life.
His naiveté and social ignorance had created a few problems in the past, but he had also been able to make a few friends and build a life for himself. Some saw him as dumb and slow-minded, but Stanley was a brave and curious boy, full of hopes for a good life. He never let his learning disability stop him from achieving anything he wanted in life. Even at school, where children are cruel, he was never made fun of, because everyone respected his spirit and commitment to achieve in spite of his difficulties.
Just before he disappeared, Stanley Douglass had been accepted into the Florida State University and wanted nothing more than to make his parents proud. Then he got his driving license and during those first moments of freedom, he disappeared for ten years.
Now, Stanley Douglass had finally returned home to his father and mother.
“Stanley,” Vivian Douglass said tentatively. In ten years her handsome boy had turned into a handsome man, a man she did not recognize anymore. “Is that you?”
“Yes, Mom,” Stanley said with a smile. His face was half-hidden behind a thick beard, but the eyes were the same – dark brown and beautiful. “I came home.”
Vivian Douglass accepted Stanley as her long lost son. She was aware that he was a bit different than she remembered, but after all, ten years had passed. Everyone changed with time. Now her only concern was to put her family back together and recover all those lost precious moments.
For years she had been devastated by the loss of her only son and not even her struggles to beat cancer had been strong enough to make her forget