Mystery Of The Sea Horse

Mystery Of The Sea Horse Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mystery Of The Sea Horse Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lee Falk
much thought."
Danton reached out and put his hands on her shoulders. "Whether you're working for anyone or not, Diana, you're not naive," he told her. "You found out how to open the passageway entrance; you got into the secret part of the villa. You overheard certain of my employees talking. And, unfortunately for the future of our relationship, you dropped the book you were carrying—a book on bangalla with many loose clippings pertaining to the country stuffed between its pages. You neglected to pick up one of those little pieces of newspaper, Diana, and I found it. Much to my sorrow."
His thumbs were pressing hard into her shoulders, hurting her. She didn't allow herself to complain. "We've established I was there, Chris," she said in an even voice. "There's no need to prolong the discussion."
"Forgive me," he said, "perhaps I was bragging a bit too much about my detective abilities. Let me get to the point." He let go of her and stepped back. "You—and excuse me for using such a melodramatic phrase—you know too much, Diana. I'm truly sorry."
She said quietly, "And so?"
"I have ways, or rather a certain fellow in my employ has ways, of making you forget."
Diana's eyes widened. "What are you talking about, Chris?"
"It will be quite simple and painless I assure you." He smiled at her. "The process may, however, take a few days. Which is why I had to arrange for us to be relatively alone."
"How do you expect all the people who were here not to . . ."
"Most of them, with the exception of those somewhat nondescript Baylors, work for me," he said. "And the Baylors, especially the dowdy Mrs. Baylor, were quite ready to believe I wanted to be alone with you so our courtship could progress at a more rapid rate."
"What about Uncle Dave?"
"By now Laura has called him from her apartment in Santa Barbara and told him my phone service is disrupted," replied Danton. "She has conveyed a message from you to the effect that you'll be staying on for a few more happy days on San Obito."
"I see," said Diana.
Across the wide white table from her, Danton said, "I'm pleased you decided to join me for dinner, Diana."
"I thought I'd make one more effort to persuade you to take me back to Santa Barbara, Chris."
"You're not eating," he said, ignoring her request.
"I'm not hungry."
"A pity. I cooked this entire meal myself. The Coquilles San Jacques are one of my specialties."
"Chris, really, you can't be serious about keeping me a prisoner here."
"Oh, yes, I'm quite serious, Diana." He drank some of his white wine.
"When you finally do let me go," she told him, I'll be able to tell about what you . . ."
"No, no, you didn't quite comprehend what I explained to you this afternoon." Danton gave all his attention to setting his wine glass back on the white tablecloth. "When you return to the loving arms of your uncle, you won't remember any of what's been done to you. You will honestly believe you had a pleasant vacation here on San Obito with me. The rooms concealed beneath the villa, I he activities of the Sea Horse . . . all—all—will have faded completely from your mind."
"How do you propose to bring that off?"
"I'm expecting the arrival at any moment of a long-time friend of mine, a Dr. Moeller ... no, es- cuse me, calls himself Dr. Martinson these days. Quite an old man, but extremely gifted. Gifted in what one might call the techniques of persuasion, and in the inducing of forgetfulness."
"Brainwashing, you mean?"
"An outmoded term," replied Danton, smiling at her. "Dr. Martinson's techniques are much more sophisticated, and hence much more rapid."
"Suppose they don't work on me?"
"Oh, they always work," he assured her. "And, if by some unforeseen and highly unlikely accident, you ever did remember and try to talk . . . well, I'm afraid you'd have something unpleasant happen. I wouldn't like to see that, which is why I'm relying on the more pleasant methods of the good doctor." He gestured at her plate. "None of your food or drink is
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