Myrren's Gift

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Book: Myrren's Gift Read Online Free PDF
Author: Fiona McIntosh
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
eye-catching tapestry might be the only decoration in a vast chamber. Furniture was practical, always simple, favoring the heavier, dark Lomash wood so abundant in Morgravia. Adana had had no influence here. Wyl mused; there was no hint anywhere that a Queen of such exotic heritage had lived any of her short life in this place. He wondered if Celimus’s more extravagant taste would leave its garish mark on Stoneheart when he took the throne.
    Hurrying through the corridors and up stairs, trying to keep up with the page, Wyl caught glimpses of carvings of the great beasts. It was believed that every Morgravian was chosen from birth by one of the beasts, and the choice became known when a person made their first pilgrimage to the cathedral at Pearlis. There, the magical creatures were gloriously presented, each holding up one of the pillars of the great nave. Whenever Wyl visited the cathedral, he looked for the famed winged lion—his creature.
    Now. in the palace, he spotted the taloned bear, the magnificent eagle, the serpent cunningly twisting out of the stone, and the beautiful jeweled peacock. Finally, as they drew nearer to the King’s chambers, he saw the mighty warrior dragon, talisman to all the monarchs of Morgravia. Wyl looked at it in wonderment, then thought of his father’s creature, the phoenix. There was a symmetry there which pleased him: both Magnus and Fergys were creatures of fire; no wonder they had loved each other so loyally.
    “Wait here please,” the page said finally, at the top of a second flight of stairs.
    “Where are we?” Gueryn wondered aloud.
    “Outside the King’s private study, sir. Please be seated.” The boy gestured toward an open corridor with a stone bench fashioned out of the walls on both sides. The area was flooded with sunlight and by the soft, unmistakable fragrance of winterblossom. It was seductive. They strolled over to the balcony and stared into a small but exquisite orchard. Its beauty and perfume kept them silent in their own thoughts.
    Soon enough an older man arrived quietly behind them. “It’s difficult to drag oneself away, isn’t it?” the man said, his voice low and friendly. Gueryn assumed he must be the King’s secretary. When they turned, he added. “You must be Wyl Thirsk.”
    Wyl nodded.
    “We all loved and greatly respected your fine father, son. He is deeply missed in our community.”
    “Thank you. sir.” Wyl stammered, unsure of what else to say, wishing people would allow him to heal that wound and not keep reminding him months after the hated event. This man meant no harm, though. It was their first meeting and only right that he would make mention of his prestigious lineage.
    The soldier beside him cleared his throat. “Er. I am his guardian—”
    “Ah. yes, Gueryn le Gant, isn’t it?” the man said. His manner was brisk yet kind. “Welcome to you both.
    Can I offer you something cool to drink? I gather we interrupted your training.” The smile was genial.
    “Thank you. we’ll be fine.” Gueryn answered politely.
    “I am the King’s secretary. Orto.” their host said. “The King has requested a private discussion with the young man so I will ask you to remain here. Gueryn. Please sit. we shall call Wyl soon.” He smiled again and departed.
    Within a few minutes Orto returned. “Wyl, come with me now. You may leave your weapon and belt out here with Gueryn.”
    Wyl did as he was asked and. with a glance over his shoulder towards his friend, followed the servant.
    Massive oaken doors, carved with Morgravia’s crest, were opened before them. Wyl looked up at the keystone of the archway they passed through: carved into it was another fire-breathing warrior dragon, signaling that he was entering the private domain of a King…his King. The large chamber he entered had windows running the length of it and a stone fireplace at either end, again featuring the royal talisman.
    Wyl had lost his bearings in the journey through the
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