My White Lottery Winner (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Book: My White Lottery Winner (BWWM Interracial Romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: J A Fielding
diary…everything about her life. Her eyes landed on an old photo of her mother. She was a beautiful woman, with short curly hair that framed a perfectly round face. Desiree always thought her mother looked more like Rochelle than her. She took the diary and opened it. A smile played on her face when she noticed that the last entry had been when she met Taylor.
    He is the dream, definitely unlike Leon. He is honest, he is hot…very hot. He is just what I need to move on with my life. And did I say hot? Honestly, I have never had a thing for white men but he just could be the exception. He has all the perks of a white man and the advantages of a black man…if you know what I mean.
    She smiled to herself as she read the last sentence again. She got comfortable on the bed as she went on reading.
    It’s not that I have already had him…all of him, at least not yet but for the first time in a long time, I feel like I should take things slow, maybe because I want to have him around for a long time.
    She smiled and took a pen from her nightstand. She had no idea what she was about to write but she decided that she would let her views just flow out of her like they had so many times before. She took a long deep breath and began writing.
    Dear Diary.
    It has been a long time since I last wrote. It’s almost like I substituted writing with Taylor and maybe that’s a good thing, right? So anyway, today we had our first fight about money. I hate to be the voice of reason but it is like he has no plan for the future. At least not financially. He is fine spending fifty grand on fluff while the future is knocking on the door.
    She stopped writing when she heard her phone buzzing once again. She was tempted to ignore it but this time, she picked it up. It was a text from Taylor telling her that he was sorry. Normally, she would have texted back immediately but today, she was just too pissed off to let it slide. She tossed her phone aside and threw her head back on the pillow. That text had thrown her train of thought completely off. She had no idea what she wanted to write. She slammed the diary shut in anger and closed her eyes. She focused on taking deep long breaths to relax herself but what she did not know was that she relaxed herself all the way to slumber land.

Chapter 4
    Desiree had heard of out of body experiences but she had never really had one. She did not know where she was but what was totally familiar was the fact that she was in the same meadows that her mother liked taking her as a child. She looked around and smiled. This was exactly how she remembered her childhood. It was quiet, serene and totally unlike what she was used to in her normal life: her life after her mother left. She was still taking in the sights when she noticed a familiar face, the most beautiful face she knew. She looked exactly how she remembered her: short curly hair that reminded her of Rochelle, a round face and beautiful pink lips. Her dainty body was exactly the same as the last time Desiree had seen her. She was still looking at her mother on the horizon when she suddenly appeared in front of her.
    “Hey Dee,” Karen Young said, looking at her daughter. “You have grown so much…you look so beautiful,” she said.
    “ Mommy, what are you doing here? You’re dead,” Desiree said, looking confused.
    “ I am. I have been for a while,” Karen said smiling. Desiree shook her head.
    “ What do you mean, here? For me? Am I dying?” she asked, feeling scared. Karen laughed. It was the same soft laugh that Desiree remembered.
    “ Not at all, honey. You are just confused,” she said. Karen looked into her daughter’s brown eyes and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You are confused about a lot of things,” she added.
    “ What is that supposed to mean? How would you even know that? I haven’t seen you in years….decades even,” Desiree said.
    “ True,” Karen said nodding. “But sometimes I have to come down and
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