My Unfair Godmother

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Book: My Unfair Godmother Read Online Free PDF
Author: Janette Rallison
your boyfriend turn into a crime? Did he say, ‘Hey, do you want to catch a movie, and then we’ll hold up a convenience store?’ ”
    “He didn’t tell me where we were going,” I said. “And I thought he was doing it for me—taking on city hall, or at least breaking their windows.” That didn’t make sense, so I added, “Bo wanted to get revenge for me.”
    I hadn’t realized I said Bo’s name out loud until the guy said, “Bo Grimes?”
    “You know Bo?” I asked.
    “Oh yeah, Bo and I go way back.”
    It figured I would run into one of Bo’s friends in the police station. I wondered why I hadn’t seen this guy at Indestruction’s practice.
    On second thought, I didn’t really wonder that. He probably had some musical taste.
    “Let me guess who his friends were.” He ticked the names off his fingers as he spoke. “Gibbs Johnson, Mike Hunsaker, and Steve and Brandon Hart.”
    “Yes,” I said, with as much surprise as if he’d done a magic trick.
    “You know them too?”
    The guy leaned back in his seat, trying to hide his smile. “Of course.”
    Of course. The detective had told me everyone knew each other in small towns. Apparently it was true. He had also said that people talked. And judging by the fact that the police knew who I was, people 39/356
    hadn’t been saying good things about me. This night would just give everyone more to talk about.
    I wadded the tissue in my hand. “This is a stupid hick town. I can’t wait to move back to New York.”
    “Right,” the guy said with a slow drawl. “ ’Cause the police don’t hassle teenagers in New York.”
    The guy had a point, but I didn’t concede it. I glanced at the front door. Dad and Sandra would be here soon and I still wasn’t sure what to tell the detective. It was a desperate thing to do, asking advice from a stranger in the waiting room of the police station, but he was the only one around. Besides, looking into his deep brown eyes, I felt he would understand my predicament. He knew I was in trouble, but he was also cut from the same cloth as Bo—he was someone who bucked the system. I whispered, “The detective said if I don’t tell them who was with me, they’ll pin everything on me—including a bunch of other vandalism jobs. Can they do that?”
    The guy shrugged. “They’ll try all sorts of things to mess with you.
    Sometimes it’s best to give them what they want.”
    “But I can’t turn in my boyfriend and his friends. How low class is that?”
    “Not quite as low class as leaving your girlfriend to be arrested for your crime.” He sent me an incredulous look. “Do you still want Bo as your boyfriend?”
    The reminder stung. “Maybe not. But that doesn’t mean I want him dragged in here by these minions in blue shirts and charged with a bunch of stuff he didn’t do.” I glared down the hallway where I’d last seen Officer Frisky McFriskerson. “The police are a bunch of power-hungry jerks.”
    “Jerks,” the guy repeated mockingly. He probably would have chosen a stronger word.

    I looked down at my wrists, still seeing the handcuffs that had been there earlier. “I’ve only gone to school here for a month; if I turn in my friends, I’ll never get any new ones.”
    “Maybe you should just try hanging out with guys who aren’t criminals,” he said.
    This is when I realized that even though the guy had said he knew Bo and his friends, he’d never said he liked them.
    My gaze went to his eyes, trying to read his expression. He wasn’t looking at me, though. He waved at someone across the lobby. I turned to see who it was, but the only one in the room was the lady behind the desk. She motioned to someone behind her.
    I didn’t understand what it meant. I turned back to him with a question on my lips. It never got past my lips because the detective opened the lobby door and walked over. I expected him to come talk to me. I braced myself for it, but he barely looked at me. He went over to
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