look unstable, which would give them a reason to keep
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me there. And give Aunt Val a reason to drop off my
clothes and run.
“Um…I was actually just about to head your way.
Have you seen the doctor yet? Do you think I’ll be
able to talk to him?”
“Yeah, sure. I mean, that’s what he’s here for,
According to Nurse Nancy, the doctor didn’t do his
rounds on weekends, but if I told Aunt Val that, she
might wait for official visiting hours. Doctor or not, I
was sure she would take me home once she saw me.
Once she’d had a look at this place, and at me in it. We
might not share the same blood, but she’d raised me.
Surely she couldn’t walk away twice, right?
From somewhere near the common area, a
booming male voice announced that the anger
management group was about to start, then specifically
suggested that someone named Brent should attend.
I leaned my forehead against the cold cinder blocks
and tried to block it all out, but every time I opened
my eyes—every time I even took a cold, sterilescented breath—I remembered exactly where I was.
And that I couldn’t leave.
“Okay. I’m bringing some things for you,” my aunt
said softly into my ear.
What? I wanted to cry. “No. Aunt Val, I don’t need
things. I need out.”
She sighed, sounding almost as frustrated as I was.
“I know, but that’s up to your doctor, and if he gets
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delayed…or something, wouldn’t you feel better with
a fresh change of clothes?”
“I guess.” But the truth was that I wasn’t going to
feel any better until Lakeside was a distant, unpleasant
memory, instead of my current waking nightmare.
“They won’t let you have anything but clothes and
books. Do you want something to read?”
All I wanted to read was the exit sign on the other
side of the locked door by the nurse’s station. The one
you had to be buzzed through.
“Um…I have a paper due next week. Could you
grab Brave New World from my nightstand?” See? I’m
not crazy. I’m responsible and focused on schoolwork.
Don’t you want to take me home so I can live up to my
true potential?
Aunt Val was silent for a moment, and that
uncomfortable feeling in the bottom of my stomach
swelled. “Kaylee, I don’t think you should worry about
homework right now. We can tell the school you have
the flu.”
Footsteps shuffled past me, headed toward the
group session. I stuck a finger in my ear, trying to
block it all out. “The flu? Doesn’t it take, like, a week
to get over the flu?” I wouldn’t miss that much school.
I wouldn’t miss any, if she’d take me home today!
My aunt sighed, and my gut twisted around the
lump of dread anchoring me to the chair. “I’m just
trying to buy you some time to rest. And it’s not really
a lie. You can’t tell me you’re feeling one hundred
percent right now…”
34 / My Soul to Lose
“Because they shot me full of enough crap to put an
elephant to sleep!” And I had the cotton mouth to
prove it.
“And for all we know, you might actually be
coming down with a bit of the flu. I heard you sneeze
the other day,” she finished, and I rolled my eyes.
“They don’t lock up people with the flu, Aunt Val.”
Not unless it’s the bird flu or Stephen King’s end-ofthe-world flu.
“I know. Listen, I’ll be there in a bit, and we can
talk about this then.”
“What about Uncle Brendon?”
Another pause. Sometimes there was less meaning
in what Aunt Val said than in what she didn’t say. “He
took Sophie out to lunch to explain all this to her. This
has been really hard on them both, Kaylee.”
Like it’s easy on me?
“But we’re both coming to see you tonight.”
Except I would be out by then, even if I had to get
down on my knees and beg her to take me home. If I
had to wake up here again, I’d lose my mind.
Assuming I hadn’t already.
“Promise?” I hadn’t asked her to promise