Murder Past Due

Murder Past Due Read Online Free PDF

Book: Murder Past Due Read Online Free PDF
Author: Miranda James
Tags: Mystery
this speculation gave me a headache. I needed to focus on work and forget about distractions.
    I managed to keep myself busy until lunchtime, continuing with my cataloging. Around eleven-thirty I put down my pencil, set my computer to standby, and stood.
    “Come on, boy.” I rubbed Diesel’s head. “Let’s go home for lunch.”
    A few minutes later, Diesel and I were heading for home. The temperature had risen a few degrees, but the weather remained pleasantly cool. Being back in northern Mississippi, where there were actually four seasons a year, made a welcome change from Houston with its two seasons. Summer and not-summer, as I liked to call them.
    As I inserted my key in the front door, I heard voices inside. Loud voices, full of anger.
    I opened the door, Diesel on my heels.
    Ezra Wardlaw stood in the living room, shaking a finger at Justin. The boy sat, head bowed, on the sofa. They were so involved in their argument, they paid no attention to Diesel and me.
    “. . . get your things right now. You’re coming home.” Ezra’s face was so red I thought he might stroke out.
    “I’m not leaving.” Justin looked up at his father and yelled back at him. “And you’re not my father!”
    “Don’t you dare speak to me like that.” Ezra’s arm drew back.
    I winced as Ezra’s hand connected with Justin’s face. Justin’s head rocked back, and Ezra stepped closer.
    I stepped forward, determined to prevent any more violence in my house.
    “Stop that.” I dropped Diesel’s leash, and I heard, rather than saw, Diesel run out of the room. He hated loud voices. “Don’t strike that boy again.”
    Ezra whirled to face me. “This is none of your business. Keep out of it.”
    Justin rubbed his face gingerly. He looked straight at me. He mouthed the word please .
    “It is my business. You’re in my house.” I kept my voice and tone firm. “You will not strike anyone in this house, or I’ll call the police. Understood?” I took a step closer to him. I was taller, by about three inches, and I outweighed him by a few pounds, too. If I had to, I’d knock some sense into him.
    Ezra glared at me, but his hands stayed by his sides as he turned back to his son. “Get your things. Now.”
    “I’m eighteen. I don’t have to go anywhere with you.” Justin stared up at Ezra, resolve in his eyes.
    Ezra’s chest heaved. He seemed to be struggling for breath.
    “You should leave now.” I waited, ready to intervene if necessary.
    Backing away from his son, but never losing eye contact, Ezra said, “This isn’t over. That bastard will rot in hell before he takes you away from me.”

    After that statement, Ezra stomped out of the room. Moments later, the door slammed so hard the windows in the living room rattled.
    “I hate him.” Justin’s voice bore such loathing. What had Ezra done to this boy to make Justin despise him so?
    “Come with me, son. We need to put some ice on your cheek. It’s swelling already.”
    Justin blinked at me. I think he’d forgotten I was in the room. “Yes, sir.” He stood but didn’t move forward.
    I took him gently by the arm and led him into the kitchen. After his last outburst, he appeared listless, watching me with dulled eyes.
    He leaned against the sink while I got ice cubes from the dispenser and wrapped them in a dish towel.
    “Here,” I said. “Hold this to your cheek. It will feel better.”
    His cheek was still an angry red. He was going to have a terrific bruise there.
    Justin accepted the towel and put it against his face. He winced, but he held the towel in place.
    As I watched, concerned, wondering what else I could do for him, he started crying. Quietly, at first. Then harder and louder, the sobs beginning to wrack his body.
    Poor kid. This was more than he should have to bear. I put an arm around his shoulder, and he hugged himself to me with his free arm.
    I spoke to him, keeping my voice low and soothing, and the sobs diminished.
    Feeling a cat rubbing
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