Ms. Zephyr's Notebook
ATV. Anyway, I saw him last night when I was in Emerg. This time he has a broken arm. He got it riding his bike along a fence. Guess he forgot about fence posts.
    Okay, Abbie, that’s a whole page, so I am done for today. I checked my spelling, and I think I got all the mistakes out, too.
    Evergreen Middle School: E-mail
    To: Abbie Zephyr < [email protected]>
From: Ellie Plato < [email protected]>
Re: Catching UP!
    Hi Abbie –
    Hey girlfriend! I think the last time we talked was at the professional development conference two years ago in Chicago — remember? We had to sit and listen to that intensely boring school board guy for what seemed like hours. Don’t know how I would have survived it if I hadn’t had you to exchange disparaging notes with. I was glad to see the inside of the hotel bar after that long day, I can tell you. ;)
    Just thought I’d drop you a line today to say “hi” in addition to the formal report I sent through the mail. I had no idea you’d given up your position at Cartwright to teach in the hospital. That’s got to be so hard — you have my sympathies. I can barely stand the little buggers in the classroom — dealing with them in a hospital setting would be way more than I could cope with. Speaking of which, best of luck with Cleopatra Jones. Bit of an eccentric kid there, as you’ve probably already figuredout. She drives me crazy correcting my grammar in class, but at least she’s a hard worker.
    Guess this hospital stay explains why she was always dragging around in that huge red sweater. I heard they had to unwrap ten layers of clothes from the poor thing when she fell. I just don’t get how kids can do these things to themselves.
    You’ll have read my formal report already, so you know her marks are great. I knew something was up with the kid but I have a group of six real winners in that class so I didn’t really have time to waste on Cleopatra. It’s all I can do to keep the Gang of Six in their desks and out of trouble. A week ago, one of them held a match to my favourite “Reading Rules” poster. (It has a picture of a French poodle. Very cute.) Anyway, the kid nearly burnt the classroom down. Whole school evacuated, of course, but only a little smoke damage in the end. The poster was destroyed, naturally. It actually turned out well, because now that he’s expelled I only have five monsters to deal with in that class.
    Definitely worth the loss of the poster. I should write a book.
    Anyway, I hope things turn around for Cleopatra. And hey, let’s get together sometime for a drink.A bunch of the staff meet up Fridays at the road-house in Clearwater — we can avoid both the parents and the kids that way. Come and meet us sometime. I’d love to see you again.
    November 12
    Jacqueline H-M
    Can’t see a clock and someone has taken my watch.
    Dear Ms. Zephyr,
    I don’t feel very well so I will not be terribly prolific today. Some little kid keeps knocking at my door. I wish somebody would tell him I don’t even know how to play poker.
    The only good thing out of all this mess is that Medusa has to stop forcing food on me now. My throat is terribly sore from this tube, though. Hopefully I will never see another one of those vile protein shakes as long as I live. Which is going to be a long time, Abbie. My Nona is almost 80 and she is doing just fine. She’s pretty skinny, too, but she doesn’t have heart problems. Neither do I. I did NOT have a heart attack. Dr. Valens says my heart “just fluttered a bit,” which I am sure is simply another way to say I had a fainting spell. Anyonecan have a fainting spell. Especially in the hospital. You would think this would be a good place to faint, since it gives everybody a chance to practice their craft.
    I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow. And I’ll
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