Mr. Fahrenheit

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Book: Mr. Fahrenheit Read Online Free PDF
Author: T. Michael Martin
completely wrong about his “moment” before. During that summer a billion years ago, he’d gone into the House electrified by hope and a kid’s sense of destiny that were soon shattered (with assistance from Spinney), because he’d been so sure it was his great life-changing moment. Now the memory just always made him wince.
    You don’t really believe that things can change like that, do you, Benjamin? Or hey, maybe it was your moment, and you didn’t live up to it? said Papaw’s voice in his head. You need to just accept that you’re going to Bedford Falls Community College. You know the difference between a dream and a bucket of bullshit? The bucket.
    That’s not true , Benji said back.
    Then why did he feel pressure in his solar plexus, why hadn’t he told anyone that he still hadn’t applied for the Magic Lantern apprenticeship even though the deadline was coming up? Chicago was a magic city, it was where David Copperfield got his start, and Copperfield and other famed magicians came to the Magic Lantern all the time. Benji always assumed that sometime in the future, like when he became an adult, he’d be worthy of being part of that amazing place. But he was running out of future. He was terrified that he wasn’t good enough, that if they said no, his hopes of “moments” would vanish, and he’d wind up staying in Bedford Falls forever.
    It’ll work out , Benji told himself.
    The quarry was now deserted, the roaring bonfire reduced to a diminutive crimson pyramid, logs popping with final, feeble light. He headed back toward CR’s truck to announce that he’d “found” the keys.
    CR wasn’t at the truck, though. Benji looked around andspotted Zeeko and Ellie about thirty feet away. They sat on the hood of Ellie’s ancient Subaru station wagon, aka the Rust-Rocket, which was held together with duct tape and prayer. Ellie was drawing Zeeko in her sketchbook. He’d taken off his thick glasses (they were on top of Ellie’s head) and was posing in an awkward-family-photo pose: toothy smile, eyes closed, chin propped on fist.
    Benji heard someone muttering down on the lakeshore. It was CR, who was struggling to open a long, thin duffel bag.
    â€œHey, CR, guess what I found?” Benji said, walking to him.
    CR shrugged, unzipped the oblong duffel bag, and pulled out a hunting rifle.
    â€œDo you know what he told me?” CR fumed, then caught on to Benji’s nervous expression and said, “Relax, it’s just twenty-two caliber. Buck season starts this week, hellooo?
    â€œAfter the game, you know what my dad says?” CR went on, pivoting toward the lake, flicking the lens cap off the rifle’s scope. “Dick looks me right in the eye, goes, ‘Very smart move with that showboating at the coin toss, Chrissy. Say there were college recruiters there tonight—do you truly believe that it would improve your scholarship prospects? Jesus. If brains were TNT, you couldn’t blow your nose.’”
    BANG —CR fired. Ellie and Zeeko yelled in surprise as the bullet flew across the lake, slamming into the sheered face of the granite wall on the far edge of the quarry.
    Benji stepped forward. “Heyyy, maybe not so much shooting guns while drunk?”
    CR said, “Yeah,” but fired off two more thunderclapping shots. “We should prank the Newporte guys back, man. That’s the tradition, pranking each other. I know it’s against the rules now and we could get suspended and blah blah.”
    â€œIf you get suspended, you’re not eligible for scholarships.”
    â€œOnly if we get caught, Banjo. I just want to do it. The quarterback is supposed to do it. It’s what I always thought I’d do. And my dad makes me feel like garbage because I’m going after the only future I ever wanted.”
    CR dropped the rifle to the ground. Shoulders sunken, eyes
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