Moving Forward (Moving Neutral, Book Three)

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Book: Moving Forward (Moving Neutral, Book Three) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katy Atlas
a total disaster.
    Could it? 
    “ Here goes nothing,” I said, taking another big gulp of my drink.  I thought about Lauren’s advice.  Recording an album?  Meeting with a record label?  Blake was never going to go for that, not after leaving Moving Neutral.  But a low key show with a quality off-the-radar band?  Maybe that would work.
    “It’ll work,” Liv said, nudging me with her arm.  “Besides, it’s basically self-interest on my part,” she grinned.  “If you guys are going to record an album, you need a bassist too, right?”
    “Easy, grasshopper,” I smiled , trying to banish thoughts of my imaginary future band from my head.  “That’s not exactly on the radar at the moment.”
    “Sure,” Liv clinked her drink against mine and downed the rest of it in one gulp.  “But who knows?” She paused, still smiling.  “Actually, Case, we should probably start cleanup—” She gestured back to the stage, where some of her bandmates were already packing up their equipment and carrying it to the back of the venue. 
    “Yeah,” I sighed, sleepiness starting to take over already.  “I should probably go home, I have an 8:30 am class in the morning.”
    “Tell me about it,” I paused.  “But keep me up to date, if you make any progress with Blake.”
    “Will do,” she smiled at me, and I didn’t miss the hint of sympathy.  Scorned girlfriend wasn’t an easy role, even if you sort of deserved it.  But the more Blake punished me, the further we grew apart.  It had been weeks already, with no end in sight.  I had to do something, and if this was my only option, then it was worth a try.
    I said goodbye to Liv and walked outside the bar.  The driver was still waiting for me, parked across the street and sitting with a jacket and hat.
    “You didn’t have to wait,” I smiled, grateful that he had.
    “This isn’t a neighborhood I’d want a little girl to wander alone in.  Besides, I have strict orders to get you back to your dorm tonight.”
    I rolled my eyes.  “I’m not a little girl,” I muttered, feeling like I was always trying to convince someone.  Shaking the snow off my boots, I climbed into the backseat anyway. 

    Chapter Seven
    Even with all the potential hurdles, the thought of having a plan to see Blake put a smile on my face the next morning.  I knew that the situation between us was delicate, but this was the best — maybe the only — chance I had to fix things.  Despite all the things that could still go wrong, I felt myself acting almost chipper as I grabbed my bags for my modern literature class.
    “Someone’s in a good mood,” I heard from the other side of the ro om.
    I almost dropped my bag in surprise.  It was the first thing Darby had said to me in over a week. 
    “Yeah, I, um — ”  I tried to think of a way to explain my good mood that didn’t involve telling the truth.  “Actually, I met Emma Harris at a party last night.”
    From the look on Darby’s face, I had clearly made the right choice.  Her eyes opened as wide as I’d ever seen them and she sat down on my bed, curious and excited, like we hadn’t been giving each other the silent treatment for the last month.
    “Oh my gosh.  What was she like?  Was she so pretty?  Was she skinny?  What was she wearing?”
    “All of that.  She’s pretty, skinny, her clothes were gorgeous.  I mean, she had a makeup team beforehand and the designer sent her the clothes, but yeah.  Still gorgeous.”
    “Just like you,” Darby said, and I wasn’t sure if I was hearing excitement or jealousy in her voice. 
    I laughed.  “ For my fifteen minutes, you mean?  I think I turn back into a pumpkin pretty soon.”
    Darby shook her head , looking at me with a trace of something I couldn’t quite put a finger on.  “Say what you want Casey, but it doesn’t look like you’re going away anytime soon.  This is you now.”
    I searched her face for an insult or a
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