
Mosquito Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mosquito Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alex Lemon
Christ, he said,
you should have seen it crawl

    Back & beg Even after we’d dropped cinder blocks
on its face
    & here you are You are right fucking here
    & the sparks Here & the sparks

    Ground hard as I-beams.
Blisters and whipping flags,

but I can only remember how grandfather spat

tobacco in Tupperware—sleet so cold I couldn’t

    Today—a finger’s calligraphy on car windows.
Our ribs crack with longing.
    If I see you, I won’t remember your name.
    A poor taste on lips.
Tonight, a shattered cup.

The window breaks.

    When the chest sweats, where is the light? Cold, but
face flushed like persimmons.
    Hold this. If it shakes, don’t let go.
    I’m in love with sleeping bodies.
I can’t remember the melody.
I don’t remember anything at all.
    Today, he brushed his teeth then leaped
from the balcony.
    We couldn’t hear over chiming glass, the snow
falling straight down.

Who Finds You
    I tar acres of wandering
The guarded woods hunting
Shudders of moonlight
    My hands steadying
On barbed wire I open
My jacket to evening snow
    The creases gleaming
My cheeks before
I shotgun myself in the face
    And now I have fucked up
The voices are lightning
Jagged cracks in the frozen pond
    And each holler beatboxes
Through the back-lit and feeble
Armed trees a reminder
    That affliction is caress
Said over and over when
Your skin is lost to the cold
    And in the moment before
The moment of noise everyone

Is eye to crotch in the delivery room
Of your panic they’re rubbing IVs
Against their chests and picking
Their teeth with scalpels
    While the sink overflows
With voice—will you follow
Into the dark but what is
    That way the body suffers
Your eyes you are all wishless
And bewildered mouths of black
    Berry fists pumping ribs they say
Come running with a star
Bright needle there is
Bound to be damage

    The gods are strange. They brew us fatal pleasures, they use our virtues to betray us, they break our wings across the wheel of loving.

    When I say hello , it means bite my heart.
Let the blackfly spin invisible & delirious
    on vinyl. Let it save me from what I can’t
know. Send posthumous letters in neon,
    scribble love unreadable. My body is sweet
with blasphemy & punk teeth, memories
    of slam-dancing underwater.
Tonight the absence of rain
    is the mouth-open rush to noise:
a hurricane of wasps throat-clambering
    for air. This half-earth where grind
sleeps dormant, a sickness without
    temperature or cough. Hold my hand,
my nothing shouts. We’ll stay up all night.
    We’ll orgy with shake and groove,
wet whisper— clap, kiss, watch me go .

    I stopped listening
as the blue jay hooked
its final turn.
I knew its business
was no longer air, only rage—
good just out of reach.
Jake, my nephew,
asked questions you hear
underwater. Questions answered
when a stranger ties your shoes.
We stared together. Everyone’s
done this—gazed at an airplane
slicing sky & blossomed
with visions of balloons
bursting with gasoline. I held Jake
to the glass, bird in slow motion.
I squeezed his tiny hand
in time with smack .
Jake’s bobbing head
drooled. The stain was a half-
finished Rothko. In the fading
light, the still bird was gray.
I wanted to take the window
out & frame it. I wanted
the delicate bones in my freezer.
I wanted to kiss Jake’s soft head
& whisper—most days, this
is the sound of the world.

    Trample me to the stage so I can hear the butterfly
tongue the last bee-swelled scream Rats chewed
    through my night & now I reverb with failure
I am a bathroom stall sticky with a good
    time’s remains During the coda
tell them it will be painless when I’m gone
    The crocuses are ablaze Tell
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