Morning Star
hand, to the corral. All of the horses were out of their stalls and running freely in the spacious enclosure. The corral, unlike the remaining property, had a five foot tall wooden fence. Dannie could see through the slats, however she preferred the view from the top. The previous year she would have scurried up the slats with ease. This morning Cindy lifted her.
    She sat on the two by six board. Cindy climbed halfway up the fence and secured Dannie's waist with one hand, the other gripped the fence.
    "Where's Morning Star?" Dannie asked.
    "He might have gone with your father to see the new arrivals." Cindy looked over the herd and hoped everything was okay.
    "There!" Dannie yelled and pointed straight ahead. 
    A group of horses galloped toward them in the distance. A large dark blue horse led the way.
    "Morning Star," Dannie shouted and the horse's gallop became a sprint. He left the other horses in his wake and made for the corral in record time.
    "Do it Morning Star. Do it."
    Cindy held the child tightly. The hair on her arms stood on end, a regular occurrence as of late. 
    The horse never broke stride as he neared the wooden barrier. When he was several feet from it, he flung himself in the air and took the fence in one magnificent leap. He hit the ground running.
    "Show off," Dannie said, and she laughed. 
    Cindy tried to speak. "I" was only word that came out.
    The horses in the corral moved apart as Morning Star ran through them. He stopped when he reached Dannie.
    "Hi Boy," she said and reached forward. She rubbed his forehead. The horse's dark blue coat glistened.
    Morning Star whinnied and raised his head to the girl. For a moment no one spoke. Something about the horse's eyes drew Cindy. Something strange and wonderful flashed about in each pupil. She thought of shooting stars high above the earth.
    "You see them too?" Dannie asked in a whisper.
    "Yes, I see them." Cindy felt a calming peace spread through her. The feeling wrapped around her like a blanket.  
    "Don't be afraid." Dannie said and then she said something that Cindy never forgot for the remainder of her days.
    "You can sometimes see heaven if you look hard enough and if you know what to look for."

    "My two favorite girls," Nate said as he drew nearer. The new lot had been secured in the corral. Introductions were now taking place in the form of nudging, whinnying, and running in groups of two or more.
    "It was my idea to bring her here," Cindy said.
    "Actually it was my idea," Dannie added. "Go on boy, join your friends." She patted the horse's head who then snorted and galloped off. Within seconds he was playing with several of the others.
    "It makes no difference who suggested it. It's a good idea."
    "Tell that to Nurse Edmonton. She didn't care much for it." Cindy said.
    "Nurse Edmonton doesn't care much for anything that involves fun, right Dan?"
    "Right dad."
    Her father moved Betsy in closer and held out his arms. "Wanna ride?"
    Dannie raised her arms and her father plucked her off her perch. He moved back in the saddle. Dannie sat in front of him. His free arm held her tight. He gripped the reins.
    "Ready?" he asked.
    Dannie nodded and Betsy trotted forward. After a while the mare broke into a slow steady gait. Morning Star trotted beside them and for those moments nothing in the world could have been better.
    "I want to ride Morning Star one day soon," she said above the noise of the hoof beats.
    "You'll need to get your strength back first." Nate knew that wouldn't happen. He didn't want to get her hopes up but he could not deny her the happiness of the thought. 

    Dannie once again lay in her bed under the watchful eye of her nurse. Her morning in the sun had worn her out. She would sleep for a while and smiled as she closed her eyes. The awful thing that had taken root inside of her had fallen asleep. Please don't wake up, she thought to herself. Please don't ever wake up.

    "I told her we were engaged to be married. I'm
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