More Stories to Make You Blush

More Stories to Make You Blush Read Online Free PDF

Book: More Stories to Make You Blush Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marie Gray
whom he had loved in spite of her mood swings and low sex drive. At first it upset him how rarely she gave herself to him. But he had to admit, when it did happen, that it was unforgettable— though she had no particular imagination and did not go in for sexual games. Still, she made love with such unusual abandon that it was endearing and quite moving.
    He came back to the present, trying once again to bury these painful memories. Maybe, after all, he would be pleasantly surprised by his new admirer.
    He was still asking himself these questions when their turn came to go onstage. The band members patted each other on the back for encouragement (it was a sort of ritual they did on big nights) then took their places on stage. The atmosphere was electric, the place was packed. The crowd greeted them with enthusiasm, and each musician threw himself into bringing his instrument to life.
    Right from the first bars Julian felt invincible. “
is why I play music!” he told himself after a piece they had played particularly well. The audience was going wild. It was turning out so well, Julian felt an almost sexual pleasure. If Janelle had ever had this kind of feeling, this kind of exaltation while doing her art, she never would have acted the way she did! Adrenaline kept him on a high wire, honing his nerves to a keen sensitivity that came through clearly in the music. During his guitar solo in the final piece he felt like a god, and was ready to swear he had never given such a good performance. He suddenly realized he was lucky to have his guitar in front of him; the erection that had been building since the beginning of the show was at its peak.
    The five musicians left the stage amidst thundering applause. “We’ve got them!” they congratulated each other. Nobody dared to say anything out loud, but their smiles spoke volumes. When the crowd called for an encore with insistent applause and chanting, they flew back on stage. The tune they played seemed as successful as the ones before, and Julian was even more excited. His member manifested its satisfaction by getting even bigger and harder.
    When they left the stage for the last time the musicians were all charged up. With only fifteen minutes to clear their equipment off the stage, they hurried into the dressing room for a moment’s celebration.
    Julian was the last to leave the stage, so no one realized he was no longer with them. A woman he could not see had grabbed his arm and dragged him into a dark closet. A door closed behind him. He tried to protest, but she planted her wet mouth on his. And what a mouth! An avidly probing tongue invaded his lips. Avid, but at the same time shy, like a barely contained passion. The kiss seemed to last several minutes.
    â€œJulian, please don’t go.”
    The voice was soft, almost a whisper. Without giving him the chance to reply she started kissing him again. Julian’s erection, which had lost none of its vigour, suddenly went up another notch. Was this woman his mysterious correspondent? What did she look like? Her kisses were very pleasant, but he did not relish the idea of discovering she weighed 300 pounds and had the face of a witch! He put out his hands hesitantly to touch her body. “Hmm! not bad! My hands fit nicely around her waist, that’s a good sign, at least for that part of her.” He let his hands slide down her hips, and found only pleasing curves.
    The strange woman, encouraged by his gesture, grew braver. With a well-placed thigh she checked how Julian’s crotch was reacting, and was not disappointed. Her little hands grabbed his buttocks, moved down the back of his thighs, then around front where they started to undo his pants.
    â€œHey! I’ve got to go back.”
    â€œIn a minute,” she whispered.
    She moved down his body gradually, with furtive kisses on his damp neck and chest. Julian took advantage of the moment to slide his hands onto the
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