Moonlight Kin 4: Tristan
to see my sister doing that
again.” She stuck her tongue out and gagged.
    Everly scowled at her. “Well you don’t have
to worry about that.” She sounded a little sad. “They don’t seem to
be into Goth girls.” She grinned, flashing a set of vampire fangs,
but the smile didn’t reach her brown eyes.
    Izzy scooted to the edge of the couch. “I’m
sorry, Ev.”
    “Don’t be. I’m not,” she said.
    “If we were dealing with the usual kind of
monsters, I wouldn’t be concerned,” Izzy said. “But this is
something different. I can feel it.”
    “Me, too, but—” Everly clutched her head and
her eyes widened in alarm. She opened her mouth, but nothing came
    Izzy jumped to her feet and rushed across the
small room. “What’s wrong?” She shook Everly’s shoulder, but she
didn’t respond. “Everly!” she shouted. “Help!”
    * * * * *
    Tristan followed Isabel’s scent through the
French Quarter, ignoring the steady stream of incense and spicy
foods wafting on the air. He continued east, leaving the Quarter
behind him.
    He’d found her easily enough last night. He
just hoped that she was still in the same spot.
    Tristan glanced at the sun peeking through
the space between houses.
    It was already warm, and the sun wasn’t even
high in the sky yet. He should’ve grabbed Isabel last night, but
he’d been exhausted. She had been, too.
    Her scent grew stronger as he approached a
run-down mansion squatting on the corner of seen better
days .
    White paint peeled from the side of the
house, exposing the yellowed layers beneath. The walkway leading to
the front door had cracked and split, thanks to gnarled tree roots,
and threatened to swallow anyone foolish enough to traverse it. The
building looked even worse in the daylight than it had the previous
    Tristan inhaled. Isabel was in there
somewhere. Her delicious scent perfumed the air. He trotted around
to the back of the house and saw a clothesline sagging under the
weight of too many items. The line had been stretched across the
    He scanned the line. No way would he get into
those jeans. No man should. But the sweats might fit. Tristan
shifted, taking human form once more. He had just grabbed the
sweats off the line when a plump woman carrying a laundry basket
rounded the corner.
    “Well hello there.” She grinned and didn’t
even pretend not to stare at his bare backside.
    Tristan knew the kind of effect he had on
human females. He pictured Isabel’s sour expression. Correction,
most human females. He was proud of his form—both of them. He saw
no reason to rush covering himself.
    “Good morning,” he said, slowly stepping into
the sweats. They were tighter than he would’ve liked, but better
than nothing.
    Her smile widened. “I think I liked you
better without them, but I suppose you can’t run around here naked.
You’ll cause a riot.” The woman winked.
    Tristan grinned at her. “We wouldn’t want
that,” he said. “Mind if I keep these for a while?”
    She chuckled. “Darlin’, you can keep them as
long as you like, if you promise to come back and model them
    He ran a hand over his bare chest, lingering
on his washboard abs.
    She giggled louder.
    “I just might have to do that when I’m
finished with my business in town,” Tristan said, making sure to
stroke her arm as he brushed past her.
    The woman played at fanning her face.
“Ew-wee, is it hot out here.”
    Tristan chuckled. His smile faded the second
he turned his back on the woman. He strode across the lawn to the
rear door and opened it. He heard shouting coming from down the
hall and instantly recognized the voice.
    “Help!” Isabel said. “Somebody help me!”
    The back door slammed behind him as Tristan
rushed down the hall. He reached the last door on the right and
kicked it in. The door cracked as it came off its wood frame and
fell into the room.
    Isabel screamed.
    Tristan shoved it aside and ducked beneath
the doorframe,
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