Mobster's Angel (Mobster Series)

Mobster's Angel (Mobster Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mobster's Angel (Mobster Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amy Rachiele
    “Okay. I could pick up something and take it to your apartment. Enough for everyone. Is Clarissa going to be there? What do she and Joey like? I could get pizza. Or thai, if you’d prefer that?”
    I don’t have a chance to answer before Joey comes over, smiling. My hopes of escaping Brice are crushed instantly.
    “Hey Brice, what’s up?” They shake hands in a brotherly way.
    “I was just asking Erin what she ’s like me to bring over for dinner. You included, of course.”
    “That’s cool.” Joey looks to me fo r confirmation.
    My fake smile doesn’t fail me.
    “Yeah. Pizza sounds great.”
    “I’ll be over in an hour,” Brice says and walks out of the gym very pleased with himself. I internally groan and grab my workout bag off the floor. Bits of my hair fall in my face, and I thrust them back behind my ear.
    “Ready?” Joey asks.
    “Yup. Let’s go. I need a shower,” I answer, trying not to sound curt. I got out of a date, but I still have to be in the same room with him.
    The shower is hot. I spun the shower handle to the hottest setting before I got in. Thick swirls of steam fill the bathroom as the scalding water scorches my skin. It runs down my curves and into the drain in the floor. I revel in the heat. The lather of the soap trails along as I scrub off the day’s grime. The pain and redness invigorates me. It reminds me that I’m alive.  My hair feels lighter and softer as I rinse the shampoo and sweat away.
    The door opens and Clarissa calls to me, “Brice is here!”
    “‘Kay,” I call back. I continue to take my time. Knowing Brice has arrived isn’t going to rush me. In fact, it slows me down.
    I twist the faucet to off, grab a towel, and dry myself. I wipe the condensation off the mirror, but it partially steams back up.
    The fogginess stops me from seeing my entire face and body: half of me is cloudy, blurred. I am half of myself. Idly, I wonder if the other half will ever return. Can I just wipe away the coating and reveal the old me? Or should I keep the other half of me covered, obliterating everything... the lies, the horrors?
    “Come on, Erin, before the pizza gets cold!” Joey yells, his mouth obviously stuffed full of pizza.
    “I’ll be out in a minute!” I yell back.
    My clothes and underwear are neatly folded on top of the toilet seat. I dress and run the hairdryer for a few minutes. Suddenly, it’s time. I can’t stall any longer.  I leave the bathroom and walk with heavy steps to the living room by our little kitchen. Clarissa and Joey clap as I enter.
    “Eh! Finally,” Joey jokes. “I ate all the pepperoni, so you’re going to have to settle for veggie.”
    I smile wickedly. Joey knows pepperoni is my favorite. “That’s fine. I wouldn’t dream of depriving you.” I say with sarcasm. “I hope you get agita tonight.”
    “You like pepperoni, Erin? I can go get another pizza,” Brice offers.
    “No. Veggie is good too.”
    I reach for a slice and Brice jumps up from his chair. He takes a paper plate and gives it to me, sidling up behind my back and wrapping around me to place it in my hands
    “Thanks,” I say awkwardly as he invades my personal spac e.
    He stands so close you could barely fit a piece of paper between us. I’m uncomfortable, and I move forward a few steps, placing my pizza on the plate he gave me. I turn to lean against the counter and enjoy the sweet taste of tomato sauce, cheese, and my favorite part, bread.
    Vito makes a mean pizza. When we were in South Bend, he did a lot of cooking for us. He d efinitely paid attention to someone who had a knack for cooking, maybe his mom or grandmother. I never asked him where he learned.
    “Erin? Erin?”
    Brice brings me back from my trip down memory lane.
    “Yeah ?” I say.
    “ I asked you, how’s the pizza?”
    “Oh. It’s goo d.”
    I use my hip to push off from the counter and join Clarissa and Joey in the living room. I feel Brice right behind
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