Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2)

Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Misunderstood: In Love with the Nerd (The Miss Series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Peggy Ann Craig
from all the pinching she received, and she thought she lost most of the hearing out of her left ear since she spent the majority of the night at table sixteen.
    Table sixteen was situated right in front of the band’s woofer system.  All six seats were occupied with a group of men out celebrating a friend’s bachelor party.  To say the least the group was completely intoxicated by the end of the night and it was Sonya’s duty to ensure a taxi was called to pick them all up.  She pitied the poor woman who would call that oaf a husband.
    “Hey!”  Sonya called out to the staff getting ready to close up.  “Party at my place.”
    As they all nodded their heads in consent and the announcement was spread throughout the remaining crew, Sonya turned to Audrey.  “Go on ahead without me.”
    The younger girl’s brows dipped.  “What’s up?”
    “Nothing.”  Sonya acted nonchalant.  “I’m just going to go and invite Tristan.”
    “Oh.”  The other girl’s smile dimmed.
    Sonya headed toward the door behind the bar.  He answered her knock after one tap.  Sticking her head around the door she displayed her brightest smile.  He sat at his desk doing the evening’s bookkeeping but his head came up upon her entrance.  Lying down his pen he returned her smile.
    “Come in Tonya.” 
    Her foot faltered as she took a step inside the room.  “Sonya.”
    He grimaced and made an apologetic face.  “Right, right.  What can I do for you?”  Leaning back in his chair, his eyes automatically dropped to her blouse.
    Sonya straightened the hem of the shirt to emphasize the breasts under them.  “I just popped in to say goodnight and to invite you back to my place.”
    His brow arched.  “Oh really?”
    “Uh-huh.” She gave him a sexy grin.  “Actually, I’m inviting everyone.”
    The brow lifted with even more interest.  “How kinky.”
    She chuckled softly.  “Mmm, well yes, I thought it would be fun.”
    He grinned then sat up straight in his chair.  “I’ve got a lot of work here, but I’ll see what I can do.”
    “Great.”  She feasted on his ample good looks before turning to go.
    “Bye the way.”  He stopped her.  “Nice shirt.”
    She grinned to herself but continued on her way without turning around.
    The party was already well under way when she arrived at her apartment thanks to Audrey who let everyone in.  Maura and her boyfriend, Patrick Hunter, arrived shortly before her. 
    She couldn’t see what Maura saw in Patrick Hunter.  He was a clean-cut accountant who could bore the party to distraction if allowed.  She was reminded of the math nerd in high school who wanted to hang out with the popular crowd.  Everyone had one.  Hers just happened to be dating her best friend.
    She supposed he was better than the previous guy.  Now there was a complete jerk.  He believed his fists were the symbol of his machismo.  If it hadn’t been for Daniel, Sonya was certain she would have ended up on the receiving end of those knuckles herself when the three of them got into a heated argument and Sonya called him every scum name she could conceive.  Their loud voices alerted Daniel and he had come over to investigate.  Just in the nick of time.
    Not that Sonya was frightened of the lowlife; he deserved every name she lashed out at him.  But, considering he was also heavily intoxicated she knew she was pushing her luck.  It was the first and only time Sonya had ever seen Daniel strike someone.  As a matter-of-fact, she was quite impressed.  He took out the guy in one blow.
    Her mind idly wandered to Daniel’s apartment and what he was doing.  Probably sleeping, you nitwit, she scolded herself.  It was, after all, close to three in the morning.
    “Hey, Sonya, where do you keep the ice?” One of the bartenders shouted out over the loud music, evidently preparing to play the role here as well.
    She shook her head since she figured her words would only be drowned out from the
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