Mistworld (Deathstalker Prelude)

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Book: Mistworld (Deathstalker Prelude) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Simon R. Green
Tags: Deathstalker, Twilight of Empire
things he hated about having to attend Council meetings, and having to talk politely with the Bloodhawk was right at the top of the list.
    Count Stefan Bloodhawk was a paragon of virtue. Everybody said so, including him. He was head of a dozen uncontroversial charities, ostentatiously supported the right causes, and was Chief Commander of the city Watch. He was constantly bringing cases of injustice to the Council’s attention, and then demanding to know what they intended to do about it. He belonged to the proper associations, moved in all the right circles, and practised a cold courtesy that was somehow more infuriating than any open insult could ever be. Steel was not alone in wondering just what such a paragon of virtue could have done to end up Outlawed on Mistworld. The Bloodhawk kept himself to himself, and offered no clues.
    Steel glanced at him, and then at Eileen Darkstrom. She and the Bloodhawk had been friends for years, and were rumoured to be lovers, though what the hell they saw in each other was quite beyond Steel. In his opinion, the Bloodhawk wouldn’t know an honest emotion if it ran up and bit him on the arse. But then, Steel was just a little biased when it came to Count Stefan Bloodhawk. Over the years, Steel had made a great deal of money from his position as Port Director. He regarded it as a legitimate perquisite. He was careful not to be too greedy, and made sure his little extra ventures never interfered with his work as starport Director. Reasonable enough behaviour, he would have thought. Unfortunately, the Bloodhawk thought differently. More than once he’d used his position in the Watch to try and trap Steel into situations where he could be impeached. So far he hadn’t succeeded, but of late Steel had had to be more than usually careful to cover his tracks. If Steel hadn’t known better, he would have sworn the Bloodhawk was out to get him. The sanctimonious creep.
    Steel looked across the table at Donald Royal, sitting slumped in his Chairman’s seat, half asleep as usual. His wispy white hair hung uncombed in long feathery strands, and his face held more wrinkles than Mistport had streets. He’d been a huge and muscular man in his day, but although his frame was just as large, the muscles had slowly drifted away over the years, until now little remained of the giant he had once been. No one doubted his right to sit at Council; he’d earned that right through blood and sacrifice. His past deeds as both warrior and politician were legendary. But these days his mind tended to wander, and since he slept through most meetings anyway, Steel wasn’t alone in wondering why the man couldn’t just retire gracefully with honour and doze by his own damned fire.
    Steel looked up sharply as he realised Darkstrom had finally stopped talking, and quickly joined in the polite applause as she sat down. Experience had shown that if Darkstrom felt she hadn’t had enough applause, she was quite capable of getting up and starting all over again. Not for the first time, Steel hadn’t a clue as to what the hell she’d been talking about, but since she’d always been solidly pro-tech, he had no doubt that she’d finally ended up backing his position over the disrupter cannon.
    There was a quiet scraping of wood on wood as Suzanne du Wolfe pushed back her chair and rose to her feet. Steel sighed quietly, and braced himself. Du Wolfe meant well, but as an esper herself it was only natural that she should support the esper cause. Steel just wished she’d be a little less open and a lot less long-winded about it. Du Wolfe glanced quickly round the table, tucking a curl of her long auburn hair behind her left ear. Tall, lithe, and elegant, she was barely into her twenties and already heartstoppingly lovely. At first glance she seemed too young and innocent to be a part of Mistport’s ruling Council, but there was a harsh strength in her dark, even eyes, and the beauty of her face was marred by the old
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