Mistletoe Mystery

Mistletoe Mystery Read Online Free PDF

Book: Mistletoe Mystery Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sally Quilford
and let them improvise. To keep it simple, and so we don’t get confused,
they can use their own names. We could even let one of them be the murderer, so
that they all suspect each other. I bet they’d love that. And it’ll help us get
over the problem of not having enough actors.”
    “Genius!” said Puck.
    “Absolutely!” said Meg.
    They thrashed out the details whilst they finished preparing
the house. By the time Friday evening came they were exhausted, but happy.
    Matt arrived just before dinner, driving a sleek black Mercedes,
and looking every bit as handsome as Philly remembered. She had spent the week
trying to convince herself that she would not be as attracted to him on their
second meeting. The flip her heart did on seeing him belied that notion.
    “Okay,” said Puck, after the introductions were made. “You
were right, Philly. He’s drop-dead gorgeous.”
    Philly poked him in the ribs, whilst Matt smiled. “What else
has she been saying about me?”
    “Oh” said Meg, “that you’ll break her heart. But we’re here
to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
    “I have a feeling I should be very scared,” said Matt.
    “You should,” said Puck. Philly got the impression that
neither of her friends were joking.
    “Right,” said Philly, “can we stop the Godfather stuff now
and just enjoy ourselves. Matt, you don’t mind if we order food in, do you?
We’ve been working hard all week.”
    “That’s fine by me.”
    “Chinese is perfect. What have you all been up to?”
    Philly told him about their plans as she showed him around the
house. Meg and Puck had tactfully made themselves scarce.
    “It should be alright,” she said, doubtfully. “I mean it was
about fifty years ago, so we shouldn’t be hurting anyone, should we? Even if
Dominique was still alive, she’d be in her mid to late sixties, so her parents
would be long dead or at least extremely old.”
    “Oh sure, yeah,” said Matt. “It’s strange, isn’t it, that no
one ever came forward?”
    “Yes. It’s almost as if she didn’t exist. Except she did,
because there are pictures of her online. She’s a favourite on all those
unsolved crime websites. There are all sorts of conspiracy theories. We’re
going with the spy angle.”
    “A schoolgirl spy, hey? Sounds good. This house is great,
Philly. No wonder you fight so hard to keep it.”
    “I love it. It’s the only home I’ve ever known. Or at least
the only home I remember. I don’t recall much about where I lived with mum and
dad. I get the feeling we moved around a lot, as I have vague recollections of
different houses and flats. I’ll show you around outside tomorrow, if you
    “That would be great.”
    “Oh, I forgot to tell you. There’s a film crew coming. You
don’t have to be on telly if you don’t want to though.”
    “I’d rather not be. Besides, this is your project.”
    “Mine, Meg’s and Puck’s.”
    “They seem like good people.”
    “They are good people. They’re my family now.”
    They had arrived at the drawing room. “These pictures are
interesting,” said Matt. “Where did you get them from?” He pointed to some
paintings of family scenes. They looked vaguely Dutch to Philly, although she
did not know where she got that impression.
    “The attic. There’s loads more up there.”
    “Really? Are they originals?”
    “I doubt it. I don’t even recognise half the artist’s names.
Sadly there are no Van Gogh’s or Holbein’s hanging about the place. I haven’t
heard back from your friend about the Robespierre painting yet.”
    “These things take time,” said Matt. “Don’t worry,
Sebastian’s legit.”
    “Oh I’m sure he is. I wasn’t suggesting…”
    “No, I know you weren’t, Philly.” He turned to face her, putting
his hands on her shoulders. “It is good to see you again.”
    “You too…”
    Matt pulled her towards him, and gave her a long, lingering
kiss. “Very, very good to see
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