fact that money causes ninety percent of the crime in the world proves how significant it is to our basic survival needs. But the real question is, “If there are more than 7 billion people on the planet, how can a relatively small group of people be able to control most of the money and therefore also have all the power?” To give you an even better perspective, let me rephrase the question. How can one percent of the world’s population control approximately ninety percent of the wealth?
To answer this question we first need to recognize that the world’s population is divided into three known classes, the lower class, the middle class, and the upper class. The one percent who own most of the wealth in the world are not associated with any of these three classes. In fact, they are in a class of their own. In many cases these people are called “The Global Elite.”
When you break everyone up into different classes it becomes a lot easier to control them. On the other hand, it becomes a lot more difficult for everyone to see the truth. This is because each class is exposed to different information, which ultimately leads to different lifestyles.
Think about how rare it is to see people from different class groups to become friends and communicate on a daily basis. If you grew up in the middle class for example, you were raised to believe the same things everyone else in your class believes. The same applies to all the other classes, and it’s very rare for important information to travel from one class to another. In most cases, this is because the lower class can’t afford to hang out with the middle class, and the middle class can’t afford to hang out with the upper class. Besides, those with more money very rarely show initiative in associating with the lower classes. The movie “Titanic” does a pretty good job of showing how throughout history the upper class did everything possible to stick with their own class and avoid contact with the lower classes. I mean, when was the last time you stopped to have a chat with a homeless person on the street? By the way, there is nothing wrong if you do, I’m just trying to point out how unlikely it is. One of the things wealthy people know and teach their kids is that their bank accounts will always reflect the bank accounts of the people they associate with most, especially their 5 best friends.
Now let’s get back to the initial question of “how can one percent of the population have all the power, and control most of the world’s wealth?” The answer is, disinformation through compartmentalization. In the recent years I had the pleasure of working for Bank Of America where I encountered the following scenario over and over again. When you start working for any corporation, you quickly begin to realize that unless you are at the very top, you have no clue as to what’s really going on. For example, if you are just a teller or a personal banker, you have no idea why you have to do certain things they ask you to do that make no sense. You are always told to do your job and not to ask any unnecessary questions. The branch manager knows a little more, but has no idea what the regional manager knows, and just like that you go up the hierarchy all the way to the top.
When I spoke to some of my friends who have worked for other major corporations such as Cablevision, they would tell me the exact same story. It’s as if you were to stand somewhere at the ends of the line and not know what’s going on all the way in the front. If you look closely, you will notice that the three classes are controlled in the same manner as these multi-billion dollar corporations. One class has no idea of what the other class knows because every class is being exposed to different information.
Remember, if you can control the type of information that enters a person’s mind, you can manipulate him or her to be and do anything you want. This is where the term “mind