Midnight's Warrior

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Book: Midnight's Warrior Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donna Grant
Tags: Romance

    Ramsey had been coming down the stairs to the front entry when he’d felt the tremendous fear in Tara’s magic. He jumped from the third floor of the switchback stairs to the landing leading down to the main floor when he’d seen her reach for her keys.
    He’d halted, wondering what she would do. It was obvious she thought the Jaguar was Declan’s, and she hadn’t intended to stay to find out.
    Several possible scenarios flashed through Ramsey’s mind in those few seconds, and the one theme in all of them was getting Tara away before Declan spotted her.
    But as he looked into her cool, clear blue-green eyes, Ramsey could feel her relief. Though he was equally pleased it wasn’t Declan, what the episode had proved was that Tara feared Declan above all.
    His respect for her grew as she squared her shoulders and looked him full in the eye. She knew he had seen her, but she wasn’t going to hide what she had done.
    “You can no’ run forever,” he said as he descended the few remaining steps.
    “I know.”
    “What are you running from?”
    “What are you running from?”
    He inwardly smiled at her bravado. She was scared witless, but she wasn’t going to let anyone know it. “I’m no’ running from something, lass. I’m running to something.”
    Her brow furrowed, but before she could respond the door opened and the man walked into the castle, a large smile on his face.
    “I’m looking for Tara,” he said in a friendly voice tinged with an English accent.
    Tara returned his smile and held out her hand. “That would be me. I suppose you’re our special guest, Lord Huntington?”
    Ramsey moved out of sight as Tara showed the gentleman into the front sitting room and fetched him some champagne. He’d had no idea who the man was, but obviously Tara had. Apparently Lord Huntington was well-known.
    “Is everything I requested in order?” Lord Huntington asked.
    Ramsey didn’t need to move closer to hear the conversation. His enhanced hearing could pick it up easily, but he needed to be close to Tara. Especially after touching her again.
    The feel of her body against his had been a jolt straight to his soul. There was something remarkably different about Tara, but he had yet to discover what that was.
    “Of course,” Tara answered. “And if there is anything else you need, you have only to ask me.”
    “Good. Good,” the lord answered.
    Ramsey watched from the shadows as Tara poured the champagne into a fluted glass. She kept glancing out the windows, as if she expected Declan at any moment. And Ramsey suspected that’s exactly what she felt.
    Tara set down the bottle of champagne and said, “Your dinner will be ready at eight as you requested.”
    “Wonderful. Sara should arrive shortly. I just wish it wasn’t raining. She hates to ride in my helicopter in the rain.”
    Ramsey’s mobile vibrated in his pocket, and once he retrieved it to see it was Arran, he hurried away from Tara and answered it.
    Arran said, “How is everything? We saw the car pull up, but once we noticed it wasna Declan, we waited for you to call.”
    “Tara thought it was Declan as well. She had her keys, ready to run.”
    “We could have caught her.”
    “Aye. She’s terrified of him.”
    Arran sighed. “If what Declan did to Saffron is any indication, Tara has every right to be afraid.”
    “Keep watch on the drive. I doona want a surprise.”
    “We’ll see to it. One of us will stay here and have a look around the grounds while the other goes to the road as lookout.”
    “Remember Declan’s X90 bullets.”
    Arran snorted. “As if I need reminding.”
    Ramsey ended the call and replaced the mobile in his pocket. He’d been ready to spring into action when he’d thought it was Declan who had arrived.
    What worried him was that he hadn’t decided whether he would first protect Tara by taking her away or first battle Declan. If he fought Declan, Ramsey could end it all right
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