Midnight's Warrior

Midnight's Warrior Read Online Free PDF

Book: Midnight's Warrior Read Online Free PDF
Author: Donna Grant
Tags: Romance
herself filled her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut as a shudder went through her.
    How she loved the sound of her name on Ramsey’s lips. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. “Just a bad memory.”
    “A recent memory?”
    “No. One from long, long ago.”
    Ramsey gave a small nod of his head before he stepped around her and retrieved the vase. He placed it on the counter with a slight grin.
    Tara set about arranging the roses while Ramsey worked on the shower. There was nothing to fill the companionable silence, but then again, there wasn’t a need.
    She covertly watched Ramsey work in the mirror. And long after she was finished with the roses she found reasons to stay in the bathroom so she could be near him.
    Her body still tingled from his touch, and she hated how she wanted more of it. Tara had never been one of those girls who threw themselves at men, but she was certainly thinking of doing just that to Ramsey.
    It was ridiculous, but her body craved his touch like her lungs craved oxygen.
    Tara rearranged the roses for a third time. She shifted one of the flowers and looked into the mirror to meet Ramsey’s gaze.
    “Why are you here?” she asked.
    A black brow arched. “I already told you.”
    “No. Really. Look at you. You’re smart and good-looking. You’re able to fix anything. A man like you shouldn’t be doing a job meant for someone who couldn’t graduate from school.”
    Ramsey leaned his forearm against the shower. His chest expanded as he took a deep breath and slowly released it. “I could ask you the same question.”
    “You could.” Tara lowered her eyes, hating that she wanted to tell him what had driven her to the northern fringes of Scotland.
    “But you wouldna tell me.”
    “Just as you won’t tell me.”
    Tara scooted the vase into the corner of the countertop and turned to go. She quickly halted in her tracks when she found Ramsey filling the doorway. And blocking her exit.
    “You doona need to be afraid of me,” he said.
    She lifted her chin. “I’m not afraid of you.”
    “Good. Why no’ tell me the real reason you’re here?”
    The wall she had erected around herself trembled as it cracked, but she didn’t let it crumble. If she did, she wouldn’t have the strength to continue. She swallowed and voiced the lie she’d told everyone since arriving at Dunnoth Tower. “I was looking for something different.”
    Ramsey looked at the ground for a moment. He said nothing as he picked up his toolbox and walked out of the room.
    Tara leaned her forehead against the wall of the bathroom and fisted her hands. It was the only show of emotion she could allow, the only evidence that she wanted so much more.
    When she collected herself, Tara left the room and made her way back downstairs to her desk. She was scratching the items off the list their mysterious guest had given her when the first drops of rain hit against the window.
    She looked out the window at the gray sky and thick, heavy clouds. Before she knew it she had risen and walked to the windows. The rain poured down the glass as rivulets of water made trails of their own before disappearing from sight.
    Headlights drew her attention as a car drove up the long drive. She took a startled step back when she saw the black Jaguar and all the blood drained from her face.
    Declan had always favored Jaguars. He owned a few other vehicles, but always he used the Jaguar.
    Tara was calculating how quickly she could grab her bags and leave without Declan seeing her when the car door opened. She took two more steps back.
    There wasn’t time for her things. She had to leave. Immediately.
    She hurried to her desk and grabbed her keys as the driver opened the rear door of the black Jaguar and a man with white hair stepped out of the car.
    Tara nearly collapsed from the relief. She released her keys so they clanked back on the desk, and just as she was turning back to the door she spotted Ramsey on the stairs watching
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