Midnight Pearls

Midnight Pearls Read Online Free PDF

Book: Midnight Pearls Read Online Free PDF
Author: Debbie Viguié
When they were young he used to dream that she was a fairy, or a spirit who would one day disappear into thin air. Now that they were older, he didn’t know what to believe. He wasn’t sure he believed in Fairy folk anymore, but he wasn’t entirely convinced they weren’t real. There were too many stories, too many unexplained happenings. The only thing he knew for sure was that there was more to Pearl than she herself knew.
    He met his father as he walked out of his chamber. King Philip nodded at him. Together they walked down the winding staircase that led to the main floor and the great hall. They crossed the threshold, and everyone inside the hall, including Sir Stephen, rose to their feet.
    It looked like there would be nearly fifty people dining with them tonight. Aside from the duke and his son there were knights, merchants, and a few other, lesser nobles. James and his father arrived at the table and took their place at its head. James noted that Peter was standing in his usual place, just behind and to the right of the king, in case he should need anything.
    Everyone else sat down on the long benches on the sides of the table. A massive stone fireplace that ran nearly the length of the one wall cast light and heat into the room. A hanging candelabra above the center of the table and long taper candles placed at intervals down the center of the table provided the rest of the light.
    As soon as they were seated, the servants appeared as if by magic, filling each cup with clarrey, a wine that James knew his father favored, with its mix of honey and spices. Then, serving maids from the kitchens appeared carrying trays of meats, fruits, and other delicacies. The aroma filled the room, and James breathed deep, enjoying the mixture of scents.
    There were trays of spiced pear compote and plates of exotic fruits. There were legs of mutton and vegetables in vinegar. Flampoyntes were set before each guest, the pork and cheese pies decorated with pastry triangles. Various other meats and cheeses were present in abundance.
    There was Sweet William, the fish that Pearl had shown him once that usually smelled of ammonia. Most wouldn’t eat it, but their chef prided himself on having perfected a way to cook it that removed the odor. The result was a succulent dish that had an exotic flavor. James smiled to himself. Finneas was the only fisherman who caught Sweet William and he did so only for the castle’s chef. It made James feel close to Pearl, somehow, to sit at his father’s table and eat the fruits of her father’ s labor.
    The most decadent dish was brought out last with a great flourish. Whole roasted chickens graced great serving platters. Each was stuffed with meat, nuts, eggs, and spices and were glazed either green or gold. Balls of the stuffing were shaped like eggs around each chicken and were also painted either green or gold.
    Gasps of appreciation went up around the table at the sight of the poullaille farcie, and James sighed in satisfaction. In his experience nothing was quite so impressive as a table laid with such exquisite food. He knew from his tutors that the meal was a symbol of the kings wealth and power, and should serve to humble the hearts of those present. His eyes turned to the duke. Even Sir Stephen was impressed; James could see it in the way his eyes were riveted upon the chickens. James would have to remember to thank the chef later.
    For half an hour the only sound was that of hungry men eating. Not for the first time since his mother had died five years before, James lamented a lady’s touch at the table. His father had never remarried, and the only women who had sat at the table in the past five years had been the occasional wife of a visiting noble or a distant relative visiting the family.
    James’s thoughts again drifted to Pearl. He wondered what shed be eating at her family’s table. Not fish , he thought wryly. Even he knew of her distaste for the sea’s bounty. He imagined her
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