MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2)

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Book: MERMADMEN (The Mermen Trilogy #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
the island. But because he’d never completed the claiming ritual—he’d bitten her, but they never had sex—she knew Roen had to tell his men something.
    “Personally,” Jason continued studying her, “I don’t think you look weaker than the other women—I mean, they’re all weak—they’re women, right? Regardless, I see how your lack of intelligence is a turnoff. On the other hand, I find that to be true of most human females, too.”
    My IQ could run laps around yours, blondie, she growled in her head.
    He went on, “And, truthfully, we only need you for your wombs and mothering abilities, since none of your genes are carried on with our children.”
    “They’re not?” the anthropologist in her couldn’t help asking.
    “Of course not. Otherwise, our species would be diluted with human blood, which is why only our men pass along DNA, and we only have male offspring. Anyway, if our leader says he could never risk having such a weak and feebleminded female to care for his progeny, who am I to argue?”
    All right. Don’t get angry. Remember, you don’t want to be a part of this. She’d only wanted Roen. She still did, and that was something she desperately needed to get past. It’ll take time, that’s all.
    On the academic side, however, Liv found this tidbit of reproductive info fascinating.
    “Well,” she stood up, “thank you for your honesty and words of encouragement to little old human female me.”
    “Sure. Anytime, Liv.” He reached out and gave her shoulder a soft squeeze. “I know it’s not your fault you’re defective.”
    What a charmer. Jason literally had no filter, though she found that to be true of all the mermen she’d interacted with. They all spoke the language of Brutal Honesty.
    “Don’t you mean discarded?” she said condescendingly.
    “No. You’re immune to our charms. That definitely makes you defective.”
    Now Liv was rejected and defective? Wow. Any more flattery and she might have to change her identity to avoid the public shame. In all seriousness, though, she had no clue why their “charms” didn’t work on her. A complete mystery. Just like the fact their sacred water, which could heal a dying man with a few drops, only sort of worked on her. She needed a gallon of that stuff to make minor healing happen. It was all very intriguing, though none of it actually mattered. Dana did.
    “Welp. That’s me. Feeble, weak, rejected, and defective,” she said glibly.
    “Hey, at least Shane wants you. That’s a consolation.”
    No, not even a little . But his statement opened the door to the one really important question on the table: What was Shane up to? Shane hadn’t fought for her during her first trip to “paradise for the insane.” He’d said that she wasn’t worth dying for. Not that she cared what he thought. It was simply a point. Shane had really gone out of his way to get her back. Why?
    “Yes. Lucky, lucky me,” she said, “especially considering my shortcomings. So why exactly do you think that is?”
    “He belongs to the ‘finders keepers’ school of thought.” Jason referred to the fact that Shane had spotted her drifting on the ocean after that fishing boat had gone down. “And our kind is known for being extremely possessive. Especially if the object happens to be a beautiful woman.”
    “So now Shane thinks I’m his mate?”
    “He’s already mated. He only wants to claim you for mindless sex and reproduction.”
    The thought of sex with that mer-madman made her nauseous. Although the truth was, thinking of sex with any man but Roen made her feel the same. The Shane factor merely raised the aversion level to extra-special-revolting.
    “Besides,” Jason continued, “if you were Shane’s mate, you’d probably sense it and he’d be busy trying to keep everyone away until he claimed you. After that, he’d kill anyone who got between you or go crazy trying.”
    “Separating mates once they’ve found each other
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