04 Naked Games

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Book: 04 Naked Games Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anne Rainey
Tags: Hard to Get
claimed to be, Gracie’s sister and nothing more. Jonas had even done a search on her. Nothing had come back save for an article about Catherine’s prizewinning roses. She had no criminal record. She lived with her parents in Atlanta, Georgia, until her parents had died in a car accident. That’s when she’d found the letters about her biological mother. It was only then that she’d learned she had a sister living in Ohio. All of it sounded great. But Dean still felt there was something Catherine wasn’t telling. He knew too well that a woman could put on a facade to get what she wanted. The question was, what did Catherine want?
    When Catherine brought up the subject of her adoption, Dean spoke up. “Speaking of your parents, you told Gracie that your parents never revealed to you that you were adopted, is that right?”
    She swallowed several times before answering. “Yes. I think Mama was going to tell me, but she never found the right time. I’m still trying to deal with that.”
    “You learned the news through a friend?” he prompted her. Dean could see it was a sore spot for Catherine, but there were too many questions and not enough answers.
    She nodded. “Our family doctor. He was a friend of my parents for years.”
    “A very good friend if your parents trusted him with such a big secret.”
    “No, like me, he was never told the truth. He was Mama’s doctor, so he knew she’d never given birth to a child. He’d examined her, you see.”
    Dean frowned. “And that sort of thing can’t be misjudged? He’s absolutely sure she never gave birth?”
    “Dean, enough with the questions,” Wade growled.
    Catherine held up a hand. “No, please, it’s fine. Keeping these things in the dark is what caused all this to begin with. Gracie and I missed out on a lifetime of memories because of this secret. It’s high time it’s brought to the light.”
    “But we’re going to make up for that,” Gracie said, adding her weight to Team Catherine.
    She smiled at Gracie. “Exactly.” Catherine turned her attention back to him, the smile disappearing in an instant, and said, “Even if Doctor Cabel had made a mistake, the letters from Gracie and my biological mother are proof, don’t you think?”
    “And why didn’t Gracie’s father know about you?”
    Gracie glared at Dean. “I told you about that, Dean. Catherine explained that the letters indicate we have different fathers. It’s not so unusual for a woman to have children with two different men.”
    “Of course not, but—”
    “No buts, Dean,” Wade said, his voice brooking no argument. “Enough with the interrogation. There will be plenty of time to go over all the facts later. For now, let Gracie and Catherine have some time to visit.”
    Dean looked over at Gracie and saw the worry on her face. He felt like an ass. “Sorry, Gracie. Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain.”
    Gracie went to him and pulled him in for a hug. “I know you’re concerned,” she whispered for his ears alone, “but it’s going to be fine. You’ll see.”
    He nodded and patted her on the back. “Of course it will be.”
    As she pulled away he was pleased to see a smile on her face. She was going to be his sister when Wade married her. He wanted to see her happy, always. In the meantime, he intended to see that Catherine didn’t do anything to dampen that happiness.
    “Anyone want a refill on the coffee?” Gracie asked.
    “Did someone mention coffee?” a female voice asked from the doorway. Dean turned to see his sister, Deanna, and Jonas striding in. Dean watched as Jonas helped Deanna off with her coat. Christ, it was still weird to see the two of them together. Jonas had been friends with Wade for years, ever since their military days, but he’d only recently gotten together with Deanna. Jonas seemed to make her happy though, and as long as that never changed Dean was fine with it.
    “Damn, it’s cold out,” Jonas grumbled. “Spring is definitely
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