to come in and kick arse.”
“That should do it.”
“Let’s hope so. President Thurston declared his intention to apply for Alliance membership. Over eighty percent of his citizens voted to support him. The rebels seem to think that reducing the number of voting citizens will even things up in their favour. Let’s stop them shall we?”
That night saw them on their way. The noise of the C-120’s thrusters drowned out any conversation Gina might have had with Eric, but that didn’t matter. She could speak to him via comm, but it had all been said back at base. For this mission, Eric had been outfitted with the full Marine armour and sensor package. He was designated Eagle Two. His own sensors were superior of course, but he was still maintaining his cover. As far as the others were concerned, he was just a gifted amateur attached to the squad to lead them to the target.
It was night outside and they were racing at tree top level above the jungle toward the drop zone. Gina stared into the darkness mentally preparing herself for what was to come. Eric had briefed her regarding the layout of the rebel base before they left. The defences were formidable, but if all went well, she would open the way for the others before the night was out.
“Two minutes,” the pilot said over the comm.
Gina opened a channel. “All units, comm check.”
“Eagle Two, five by.”
“Eagle Three, no probs.”
“Eagle Four, reading you five by five.”
“Eagle Five…”
She counted off her people trying to ignore the knowledge that she was two men short. She was three short if she didn’t count Eric. He was a considerable asset, but she still missed her friends. Pike was recovering from surgery; he would probably rejoin them on the ship taking them off this rock.
Two minutes passed in a flash.
She tensed as the pilot shut down the interior lights and activated the bay doors. As soon as the doors were fully open, the transport went into hover mode, and Gina pulled herself to her feet.
“By the numbers people,” she yelled before throwing herself into the night.
Gina grunted as the speed brake on her harness brought her up short. Her panting breath was all she heard as she eased the clutch and lowered herself quickly through the trees. There was no way the transport could have landed here. The foliage was much too thick, but there was enough room for her people to descend without too much snagging. Once on the ground, she released her tether taking no notice as it shot back to the transport. All around her, Marines were dropping to the ground, but again she took no notice. Her eyes were surveying the jungle and the data that her sensors were displaying upon her HUD. Both reported no hostiles, but she had another resource.
“Eagle Two, Eagle One,” she whispered.
“Eagle One, Eagle Two. Go,” Eric replied softly.
“I have no hostiles. Do you concur?”
“I have no hostiles in range. Repeat no hostiles.”
“Good,” she said breathing easier. “Take point, Eagle Two.”
She changed channels. “All units, Two has point. Keep your sensors on passive. Move out.”
“Eagle One, Eagle Four,” Westfield said.
“Eagle Four, Eagle One. Go,” she said as she followed Eric at a crouching deliberate walk.
“We won’t find nothing on passives, Gunny. I think I should go active.”
“Negative, Eagle Four. Follow the plan.”
“Eagle Four copies,” Westfield said with a sigh.
She couldn’t explain about Eric, or that his viper sensors were already trawling for rebel emissions. Even if she could, she knew Westfield would still want to go active. Moving through the jungle on passives felt like walking through a minefield with her eyes closed—not much fun, but announcing her presence to all and sundry wasn’t her idea of fun either. She trusted Eric’s abilities, and she trusted the plan they had worked out.
Gina had her night vision optics set on X2 to magnify what little