Mercy for the Damned

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Book: Mercy for the Damned Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa Olsen
Tags: Romance, angels and demons
we’ll get them back.” Daphne wrapped an arm around my shoulder.  “They won’t do anything bad to Adam, they need him to feed off of, right?”
    My memory cast back to the way Raum fed.  With teeth.  “Yeah, nothing bad…”

    Chapter Four
    “We’re really looking for witches?” Daphne asked as we pulled up in front of the little shop.  The number thirteen was prominently displayed on the store front between two crescent moons. 
    “Yep, Nelo said he knew of witches that could come and go to Midian as they pleased.  We’re hoping we can find one who knows a back door into the place.”
    “You really think we’re going to find someone who knows about that stuff here?”  The skepticism came through loud and clear, and I couldn’t blame her.  The place had plenty of crystals and pentagrams in the window display, but nothing that looked the least bit demonic. 
    “I’m not sure where else to start, so I thought I’d give it a shot.  Do you remember Jean’s friend Evie?  She works here, and they’re the only witches I know.”  I had no idea how to get ahold of Jean anymore, I wasn’t even sure she still lived in town.  Hell, I wasn’t even sure Evie would still be working there, but it was the only real lead I had.
    “I don’t think they count as actual witches, just because they like silver jewelry and patchouli,” she muttered.
    “Do you have a better idea?”
    “Well… no,” Daphne admitted sheepishly before she was distracted by the glint of rainbow crystals on display.  “Ooh, look at that unicorn in the window, let’s go in!”
    I left Daphne to the front window display, carefully turning over little figurines and frowning over the sticker prices underneath.  I pretended to look at the books while I sized up the girl behind the counter.  It wasn’t Evie, she had straight black hair and this girl was a natural blonde.  Instead of the expected silver jewelry, she had a single crystal hanging from her neck.  Dressed in faded jeans and a gauzy blouse the color of sand, she smiled when we entered, before going back to the magazine she flipped through. 
    A quick check of the bookshelves showed me there wasn’t anything there on dimensional travel or anything useful, though I did wonder what the heck astral projection was.  Hesitantly, I approached the counter, making a show of looking at the jewelry under the glass case.  Once I was actually in the shop, I had no idea how to ask for help without sounding like a total nutbar. 
    “Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see,” she offered with a faint smile, and I seized upon the opening. 
    “You have some really pretty things here, have you worked here long?”
    “Thanks.  Uh, not too long, about four months.”
    “Oh, you must know Evie then?” I fished, relieved when her smile widened in acknowledgement. 
    “Of course, are you a friend of hers?”
    “In a roundabout sort of way,” I smiled, “I know her and Jean from way back.  I always knew they were into this stuff, but I’ve never really thought to check it out until now.”
    “I can recommend some great books to get started if you like.” The girl warmed to the subject, coming out from behind the counter.  “Cunningham is great for the beginner, or Ravenwolf if you like something a little more contemporary.”
    “Actually, what I’m really looking for,” I stepped into her path before she got carried away, “is something that deals with demonic portals.”  I know how it sounded, but what else was I supposed to do?
    Her eyes narrowed instantly, the friendly smile dying on her lips.  “We don’t have any of that satanic crap here.  We focus on the right hand path.”
    “No, I’m not talking about satanic stuff, it’s not Hell I want to get into, it’s… do you know anything about Midian?” I asked, watching her carefully for any sign of recognition.
    “Yeah… you two can go ahead and leave now,
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