Meet Mr. Prince

Meet Mr. Prince Read Online Free PDF

Book: Meet Mr. Prince Read Online Free PDF
Author: Patricia Kay
guy done now?”
    â€œIt’s not what he’s done, it’s what he hasn’t done.” Georgie was still amazed at what her mother had revealed right before Christmas. “Joanna, remember when I told you what my mother told me and my sisters? About Uncle Harry and how she’d once had a thing for him? She made it sound like that was in the distant past, but I think she might really be in love with him.”
    â€œDid she say that?”
    â€œShe didn’t have to say it. She was talking about him and some dinner he’d taken her to, and all of a sudden it seemed so obvious I couldn’t believe I hadn’t realized it before.”
    â€œI thought he was more like her brother or something. Didn’t you tell me she and your dad and Harry Hunt were like The three Musketeers when they were young? And she picked your dad.”
    Joanna didn’t have to say what Harry had done. They both knew the story. Harry had picked one gorgeous model or actress after another, gold diggers all—at least, in his estimation. Each short-lived marriage had produced one son, and Harry Hunt had gotten sole custody of each of them.
    â€œThat’s what we all thought,” Georgie said. “But maybe we don’t know the whole story.”
    â€œYou mean you think she’s always loved Harry? And not your dad?”
    â€œNo, I don’t believe that. I think she loved my dad. But maybe she loved Uncle Harry first. Or maybe…after Dad died…”
    â€œDid you ask her about her feelings yesterday?”
    â€œGood grief, no. You know how private my mother is. Besides, it wasn’t like she’d said anything directly. And, I don’t know, I felt funny about it. Like maybe it was none of my business.”
    â€œWow,” Joanna said, amusement in her voice. “I think that’s the first time since I met you that you thought something wasn’t your business.”
    â€œOh, stuff it,” Georgie said, laughing. But she knew Joanna wasn’t far wrong.
    â€œYou know,” Joanna said, “maybe this explains why Harry got so weird about your mother dating that golf pro from the club.”
    â€œYou’re probably right. Here I thought he was just worried because the guy’s so much younger than my mother. But maybe he was actually jealous!”
    â€œIt’s possible. I know Chick can’t stand it when I even look at anyone else.”
    Georgie nodded, even though Joanna couldn’t see her. “It all makes sense now. There’s got to be some kind of history here, something my sisters and I never suspected.”
    â€œOh, Georgie. It’s terribly romantic, isn’t it? Maybe they’ve been pining for each other for years. I know! Why don’t you and your sisters turn the tables on them and try to get them together? I mean, they were trying their darnedest to fix you guys up. Why not fix them up, because, Lord knows, if you don’t, they might never get it right.”
    Georgie laughed. “It would serve them right, wouldn’t it? But think about it. What could we actually do? It’s not like we can plop them down on a desert island or something.”
    â€œNo, but you can maybe nudge them along a bit.”
    â€œI’m afraid my sisters will have to do the nudging, ’cause I’ll be in New York.” Glancing at the digital alarm sitting on her bedside table, she added, “Speaking of, I’d better get a move on. My flight leaves at noon, and I still have to finish packing and get a shower.”
    â€œOkay, I’ll let you go. Safe trip.”
    â€œThanks.” After promising to call or text Joanna as soon as she hit LaGuardia, they said goodbye.
    Fifteen minutes later, duffel packed, laptop and cell phone charging, Georgie headed for the shower.
    Katie, Zach’s ten-year-old, kept Zach up half the night with a sore throat and a fever. On any other day, even if he had work
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