
MayanCraving Read Online Free PDF

Book: MayanCraving Read Online Free PDF
Author: A.S. Fenichel
lay down next to her with his leg over hers and his hand on her
stomach. Everywhere his skin touched, hers buzzed with energy.
    Asher seemed to be in no hurry, his head rested on his other
hand and he looked down at her. His gaze traveled the length of her body, and
she felt branded as he went. Heat seared her breasts, abdomen and pussy in
turn. Moisture built once again between her legs and her nipples tightened with
yearning to be touched.
    “But you are,” he insisted.
    His hand moved to cover her breast. His fingers lightly
grazed the hard peak and she arched her back, pressing the sensitive nipple
into his hand. His fingers moved downward, tracing a winding path. One finger
dipped into her bellybutton, creating a surge of sensation that was
surprisingly erotic. She gasped as the burn of awareness spread outward. She
couldn’t stop her hips from rising to his touch when his finger found its way
to her slit and slid between the folds of her pussy. The rough pad of his index
finger rubbed back and forth and around her clit.
    “Oh God, Ash.” Nancy’s hips immediately followed the rhythm
he set, rising and falling as his digit sent bolts of heat to every nerve. She
heard herself begging for more between her panting cries.
    “You are so wet, baby. I can’t wait to be inside you.” His
fingers continued to glide back and forth between her lips.
    She opened her legs and her hand moved down to cover his
where it caressed her. In her limited experience, touching herself was not
something she’d really thought about, but the senses his touch evoked made it
feel so natural to join the act. Together, their hands moved as one and the
muscles deep in her pelvic region began to tighten deliciously.
    When he stood up to take off his jeans, Nancy continued the
motion he had started, touching her soft, wet folds, and heightening her own
excitement. The sensation grew, both spreading to the rest of her body and
becoming more intense at her core. She rubbed her clit harder, bringing her
orgasm closer, before slowing and lightening her touch, so as not to come too
soon. She dipped one finger inside and moaned as the pressure heightened nearly
pushing her over the edge. Again, she forced herself to ease off and not allow
herself to climax.
    “Baby, that is so hot,” he said.
    He knelt in front of her on the bed and watched as she
gently rubbed her clit and dipped once again inside her slick opening. The
orgasm building between her legs wasn’t nearly as thrilling as having him
observe her. His eyes moved back and forth between her face and her hand, which
continued to rub and caress her silky wetness. Her hips moved of their own
rhythmic accord.
    She watched as his hand drifted down to his hard shaft and
rubbed his thick member up and down, keeping the same quickening rhythm. Nancy
hadn’t thought her arousal could get any stronger, but as his hand slid up and
down his length, the strings tethering her to reality pulled tighter and her
clit pulsed savagely.
    She closed her eyes and cried his name on a gasp. The bed
shifted slightly, forcing her to open her eyes. Asher gazed intensely down at
her. Her heart beat hard and fast as she waited for him to move, but he hovered
over her for such a long minute that she thought he might be having doubts.
    She lifted her hips and felt the brush of his cock against
her wet center. Her entire body pulsed with need.
    Asher’s eyes closed.
    “What’s wrong,” she asked.
    He kissed her cheek, her nose and then her lips. “I just
want to savor this.”
    She smiled as she wrapped her hand around his cock. He
moaned deep in his throat and she relished the unrestrained sound and the power
she wielded. When he moved forward, she guided him inside her canal. Her flesh
stretched uncomfortably, but the feeling was also intriguing. Her muscles
protested, even as her desire pushed her to lift toward him and take him
    “No, don’t move.” He slid forward and back again, giving her
time to
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