speak of it . The words echoed in her head and she knew without a doubt that this was something they did not need to know. Not yet. It had to happen without intervention.
    She smiled and shook her head. “It’s already fading.”
    “Liar.” Dominic chuckled.
    She felt him take her hand and lace his fingers with hers and Alex did the same with her other hand.
    “You don’t have to tell us, sweetheart, but we need to figure out if your visions are going to keep manifesting in certain ways,” Alex said. “In case we need to take precautions.”
    “Okay.” She turned on her side and snuggled close to Alex, and Dominic came up behind her and curved himself around her. Tempest sighed and then whispered, “I love you.”
    “We love you too,” they answered and it made her smile as she slipped back into a dreamless sleep.
    The next day it was back to work, Alex and Dominic went back to fixing up their home. When they bought the plantation it was old, crumbling and since they had moved in they were bringing it back to life. The inside was completely renovated and now it was time for the outside to flourish. They were working on rebuilding the walls that wrapped around the property and fixing the old, dilapidated gate. She baked, prepared the inside for the party, and mixed candy in a big, smoking cauldron by the door.
    She wondered why they didn’t just buy a new gate, but they wanted to revitalize the old one, which meant the grinder could be heard all the way up to the house. Her dream worried her. The mangy, gray wolf, who was he? Was it really Vernon? Why would it be chasing her through the woods, but then Alex and Dominic coming to her rescue? What did it all mean and when would it happen? All of sudden, she felt a sense of panic like her life was spiraling out of control. Danger seemed too close, breathing down their necks and whatever peace they were trying to find would always be out of reach.
    The telephone ringing brought her out of her troubled thoughts and she crossed the tiled kitchen floor to grab the phone off the wall. She loved the old style phone with the long spring cord that she could still maneuver while talking. It gave her warm feelings of home, reminded her of when her family was together and the holiday would come around. Mom would be on the phone talking and laughing with family in other states while she baked. Tempest could still see herself sneaking bits of sugar cookie dough and her mom smiling at her. Good memories, she thought as she picked up the phone.
    “Wakefield and Cross residence,” she said into the phone.
    “We’re coming.” The voice was harsh and she could hear anger, excitement, and malice all blended into one.
    “Who is this?” She tried to keep the tremor of fear from her voice and failed.
    The voice laughed. “You should be afraid, little girl. We almost ate your man. Gonna spend some time with you. Yeah, you’ll be like a mouse that I play with.”
    “Try it. They’ll kill you and yours,” Tempest said angrily. Knowing that this person was one of the ones who injured Alex fueled her rage. “You come, we’ll kill you all. I’ll take pleasure in putting a bullet in your head.”
    He laughed hard. “I like you, might keep you to be the momma of my cubs.”
    “I’d rather die,” she snapped. “I’m warning you. Turn around now and leave because you’ll only find your end in Acadia.”
    “We’ll see. We will see.”
    The phone clicked and she hung up the receiver before leaning her head against the cool wall.
    Another ring startled a cry from her and she picked it up instantly. “If you call here again, I will personally be the one who shoots you in the head.”
    “Dang, Tempest, how much do you hate me?” Lorna asked.
    Tempest rolled her eyes. She would’ve preferred to have talked to creepy wolf guy again. “What could you possibly want?”
    “I’m giving you the opportunity to give me that invitation to your party tomorrow night,” Lorna said.
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