look in James’s direction.
“Oh my goodness.” Captain Kelly was behind them now. “I guess we need another ambulance. Are you two okay here?”
“Yeah, and let’s just hope they hurry.” Sam began to feel the girl’s chest, looking for other injury as Captain Kelly walked away. She felt the girls ribs then brought her hand up, finding it covered in blood. “Get me some bandages James.” She said as she took scissors from her belt and began to cut away the girl’s jacket and shirt. The girl moaned and whimpered as Sam bandaged a serious chest wound, but didn’t wake up. “There, I think that will do,” Sam said, smoothing her gloved hand over the girl’s forehead, the gash on her head was bloody, but not deep.
They watched the girl’s chest rise and fall, willing her to keep breathing.
“Okay Guys, EMS ETA is at least 15 minutes.” Captain Kelly came back to them, carrying the defibrillator case.
“Great,” Sam said in frustration. She put her hand on the girl’s chest, and her lips moved silently as she counted the breaths to get the respiration rate again. Suddenly, the look on her face changed. “Jimmy! She’s not breathing anymore!”
“Here, take the pads James.” Captain Kelly flipped the case open and handed the defibrillator pads to James. James put them into place while the Captain started up the machine.
“I hate dealing with kids.” Sam slumped into a chair at the hall.
“Me too,” James agreed, sitting across from her.
“Especially when they die.” Sam’s eyes were glassy from fatigue and stress.
“I think I’ll make some coffee,” Captain Kelly said quietly. He started the pot, then came back to the desk to slowly fill out the call log.
Reg got some cookies out of the freezer and set them on the table. No one wanted to go home, so they stayed, and slowly began to talk it out, but they all knew they wouldn’t soon forget the crash.
James finally headed home around 4am, he called the store, leaving a message to say he wasn’t going to be in until later, if at all. He got undressed and back into bed, then tried to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was the little girl, lying on the pavement and Sam’s determined face as she administered CPR in hopes of reviving the girl.
Multiply defib shocks had done nothing so James knew it was over even as he helped load the backboard onto the stretcher that would carry her to the ambulance. He knew she’d be DOA once she got to the hospital. She’d never get the chance to go to college, fall in love, have a career, children, nothing. And it wasn’t even her fault.
Another face swam before his eyes. The other little girl. A girl who was going to wake up in a strange place to find out that her sister was dead and her mother was in critical condition, if not dead herself. Sometimes, he hated his job.
Knowing better, he got up and went down into the cellar for a beer. Sitting at the kitchen table in near darkness, he pulled the cap off. He knew better than to drink after a call like that, but right now, he didn’t care.
Chapter 3
Ellen decided to stop at James's house on the way to work. She wanted to thank him for helping her with her hand. His truck was in his driveway, so she assumed he was home.
She parked and headed up the walk to the front door. It took him several moments to come to the door after she knocked.
"Ellen?" He looked like he hadn’t had much sleep.